Instagram live

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(Y/ns POV again)
We woke up and got ready to do an Instagram live, I put on a yellow tee, denim shorts and white converse shoes
Y/n: hey guys how are you all
@sm6xclayden: hi guys
@pipersoreocream: can you say hi Natasha?
@sm6rockelle: where's Ellie and piper?
@pigeonforpresident: where's pigeon
@Lcxvender: pigeon
@iloveadam: pigeon
I kept seeing these pigeon comments
Y/n: jack who's pigeon?
Jack: these people have been calling Ellie pigeon and it really upsets her
I turned off the live comments
@symonneharrison wants to guest you
I decided to accept, jack moves out of the frame
Symonne: hi y/n!
Y/n: hi symonne
Nick: hi y/n, wheres jack
I pull jack Into the frame
Jack: hi
We decided to turn on comments again
@symonnesthunder: hiiii
@symonnesbbys: pin for snick and ( y/n x jack ship name)
We pinned that comment
After the Instagram live me and jack went shopping for a new squad member video, the people picked are called lore and tiecyn
Jack: I'm so excited to meet them
Y/n: same!

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