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+Slightly focused on Yeonbin+

The weekend is now over which means it's Monday again, currently their lunchtime.

And about the picnic, the four boys met up and had it on a hill. It was a place where Huening Kai always goes when he wants to chill.

The place was beautiful, you could see the city lights and the air there was very refreshing, and not to mention the excellent view. It looked so pretty, especially at sundown.

They're still wondering why Yeonjun didn't come. They tried asking Soobin but he just kept changing the topic so they decided to drop it, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable or make the atmosphere awkward.

Soobin's also coming back to school starting today which made the three happy. They think Yeonjun will finally start talking and be himself again but oh boy-

It is the complete opposite.

He stayed silent, not sparing a glance at the black-haired bunny-looking male or them. He isn't like this, it was new for them.

The bell rang and everyone started standing up, grabbing their belongings and lunch trays before leaving the cafeteria.

"We'll see you later hyungs," Kai said and Taehyun nodded. The two started walking out to go to their respective class.

"Hey Yeonjun hyung, you have free period right? wanna hang?" Beomgyu asked and Yeonjun took a sharp breath.

"Sorry Gyu but I have uhm... d-dance practice?? I'll see you two later" Yeonjun said before walking away.

The two watched him leave and looked at each other after.

"Did something happen between you two?" Beomgyu asked and Soobin nodded. "It's complicated"

Beomgyu raised his eyebrow but shrugged right after. "Hey, I need to practice my speech. Wanna hear and help me make it sound perfect?" He asked and Soobin agreed.


The two boys went to the rooftop. No, they aren't skipping, don't worry. It's actually their free time at the moment.

"From all the places you chose, you chose the one far away from my floor" Soobin whined before slumping down at one of the benches.

"Oh c'mon hyung, you have like 95% legs, you'll be fine!" Beomgyu said.

Soobin sighed before he sat up straight. "Give me the script, I'll look over it," He asks and Beomgyu hands him the 3 paged paper.

"Oh wow... this is long," Soobin says while skimming the speech. "It's not that bad. I've seen way longer speeches from hyung and noona," Beomgyu says.

Soobin started reading it and after 3 minutes he gave the paperback to Beomgyu. "It's good but it's kinda long, are you sure you'll memorize all of that in a span of a month?" Beomgyu nodded.

"Don't worry about me hyung, I'm a prince remember? I have lots of talents" He reassured the older.

It suddenly became quiet as the two didn't know what to talk about. Beomgyu coughed to get the elder's attention since he was dozing off before speaking.

"Speaking about problems. Mind telling me what's up with you and Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asked and Soobin stilled. "Haha uhm actually, I wanted to change something in your script-"

"Don't try to change the topic hyung, I know you don't wanna talk about it but please tell me what's wrong" Beomgyu cutted his sentence "I'm now friends with both of you and it's bothering me that two of my friends aren't getting along so please... tell me what's happening between you two"

Soobin looked at Beomgyu before looking down. "J-just promise you'll keep this to yourself," he says and Beomgyu nodded.

Soobin took one last breath before speaking. "The reason for my Hanahaki disease is... because of him and he knows about it" Beomgyu's eyes widened.

"I know he experienced hanahaki too and unfortunately can't fall in love again but I couldn't help but fall for him. He's so charming, kind, very loveable, and soft. Despite his intimidating looks, he's such a nice person once you get to know him" Soobin says.

"I knew I'll experience hanahaki and I knew I'll get it and tried to stop myself but in the end, I didn't. I didn't want to stop my heart though I knew the consequences" Soobin started to tear up.

Beomgyu took out his handkerchief and gave it to the older.


Yeonjun closed the door in front of him slowly, trying his best not to make noise.

He heard everything Soobin said. It hurt him knowing what the younger went through. He knew that it was his fault, he feels very guilty.

"I'm sorry Soobin..." He muttered "I'm sorry for everything"


It was now dismissal and Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueninh Kai were at the front of the school.

"Did Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung fight or something? They're still ignoring each other and now Soobin hyung won't talk to us" Taehyun said while playing with a Rubix cube.

"I'm not sure. I talked to Soobin hyung about it though" Beomgyu says. "Really? What did he say?" Kai asked.

"He said more details about his hanahaki situation. Apparently it was because of Yeonjun hyung, Yeonjun hyung went through hanahaki too and Soobin knew he can't fall in love again but that didn't stop him from loving him though knew the consequences," Beomgyu said.

"Damn... that's a lot to take in," Kai said after and Taehyun nodded.

"So will we do something or let them fix their own problem," Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun put down the almost finished Rubix cube before speaking. "The most logical thing to do is to let them solve it on their own but I think we should do something. I can't stand watching them ignore each other anymore"

They all agreed to the silver-haired male's suggestion. "I'll make a gc about it, we'll talk there," Kai said and the two nodded.

☕︎ I'm sorry for the short chapter and for being inactive😭 I've been very busy these past few weeks because of homework. I'll try my best to write and publish around 2 times a week thank you for waiting patiently!

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