Chapter 11

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The boys and girls except Seongmi entered the palace and spotted King Meliodas waiting for them. They bowed and smiled a bit.

"I am very happy to see you all here. Please come inside." King Meliodas said with a small smile.

He said as he indicated them to come in and soon they were in a library with lots of high racks stuffed with books.

"I am really sorry for what happened. Please have a seat first." He said as they sat and he proceeded to continue.

"I can assure you that Princess Aeriola is safe but we need to work fast in order to save her."

"I am sorry to interrupt but is there any way to save her??" Taehyung said while looking at him with pleading eyes.

"There is but you all will have to take a risk...a big risk indeed." King Meliodas said while standing up.

"We are willing to take a risk."  Hyerin said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Now look at this map. This is the map of the Demon kingdom. We all know that Celena is planning to destroy all of us. Therefore we have to save Princess Aeriola as fast as we can. But saving her will not solve the big problem and this will create a big war. Fortunately all the kingdoms are ready for it. For now to save her there should be four people and they will enter the place where she is being kept."

"We girls will save her." Melody said as the other two nodded.

"I will also go." Gojo added.

"Wait wait you three don't have any power and it's too dangerous." Jimin said.

"Believe in us. We will save her. King Meliodas we need a small favour." Hyerin stated

"Ok speak up."

"As we are their reincarnations therefore we would like to visit the kingdoms and from there we will proceed to Demon kingdom." Elaine replied while bowing.

"Very well. If u want I send you three now because not much time is left."

"We will be happy with it. Thank you." Melody said.

Upon hearing it King Meliodas created three different portals.

"Here the first one is the way to Kingdom of Fire then Kingdom of Water and then Kingdom of Dragon. Gojo will join later." He said and with that the girls and the boys bowed to him.

"Stay safe." Namjoon said to the girls and they nodded their head in a reassuring smile. They hugged eachother and proceeded towards the portals.

Upon entering the portal a beautiful palace appeared infront of me. It's greatly adorned with various statues of dragon. It looks magnificent.
Just then an old lady more likely the queen showed up. She seems familiar.

"Hello nice to meet you Your majesty." I said and bowed down but she said something unexpected.

"Haha I see my child is grown up now. Call me mother. I am very happy to see my child again. Come inside." She said with a smile.

What is happening now?????

"Umm can I ask you something....mother??"

"Sure go ahead."

"Were you the one who---"

"So you recognized me. Yes I visited you everyday because I missed you very much. When I got  to know that you were reborn I couldn't hold back and started visiting you. But stopped when your father the King of Dragon kingdom said that you can be in danger. Anyways this is the your room. Your every belongings are kept here. I think this will help you to gain the memories including your real power."

"T-Thank you m-mother."
I said and hugged her without me realizing but it felt safe and comfortable.
She hugged back and chuckled.

"I will take my leave then."
She said and left the room leaving me alone. I went through the books and drawings. There a certain diary caught my attention. I opened it and suddenly an insight came infront when I was writing this diary. Flipping the pages back and forth I found out that there are many magics.

"Woah these seem familiar. Let's try few of these."
With that I took the diary and went towards a clear field and started to calm my mind.

"Let's try this one."
I said as I tried it and unexpectedly I successfully did it after a few tries. I tried few of them and yea it worked.

"Woah good job. Let's try these again and I think these can help.This one helps in communication. Let me try it."
I tried communicating with the other 3 but it was no use. I tried to go through a book for a time being cuz we only have a day for learning these.
I know its impossible but I have past life experience. Those memories helps me remember mostly every magic.

[So guys the next ch is published and it's not that good cuz I lost my writing practice😭 Therefore I am extremely sorry for that. Hope you guys like it.
Stay safe. Borahae 💜]

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