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The track starts after Ragini gets to know about the truth about Lakshya's love for Swara.

Dadi tries to manipulate Ragini telling her ill things about Swara but Ragini stands numb. She was terribly heartbroken by the people she trusted the most.But still she composed herself and looked at Swara. Her red puffy eyes narrated a different story to what Dadi was trying to feed in her brain. Swara could not stand the heated gaze of Ragini and bent her head down.She was very scared to find hatred in the eyes of the person whom she considered as a soul sister. She always found solace in Ragini and always wished that she was her peace but now she hated being the person who broke her heart and the fact that she wasn't even at fault infuriated her a more. She had sheer hatred for Lakshya for breaking her sister's heart. She despised him for this. But she could not keep her mind sane thinking about how Ragini would hate her throughout her life and with great difficulty she looked up to meet the eyes of the person whom she loved way too much.

When their eyes met, Swara saw how broken she was. Her eyes always had a spark which Swara always admired and always wished her baby sister had, but now those eyes were red showing how much hurt and broken she was. She was seeing her tears dropping down and her lips shivered due to the betrayal she felt.

Ragini always thought that if there was any person with whom she could be herself then it was only Swara. Swara was the only one who had never judged her. She always felt a motherly affection towards her and she considered her to be her soul sister,so why should she get such a betrayal in return. She was never expressive about her emotions but her feelings towards Lakshya were very serene and pure and her eyes expressed everything. "Was Swara unable to read her eyes which had love filled for Lakshya was she unable to see her unending affection towards Lakshya that she betrayed her own soul-sister'' her mind mocked her.
"You tell me, you consider her to be your soul sister and yet you are unable to see the love in her eyes for you. Shes dying in guilt seeing you broken and she could'nt raise her eyes to see hatred for her in yours. She always has shown you motherly affection, doesn't she deserve a chance to explain herself",her heart counter-facted.

She listened to her heart and went near Swara, held her hand softly and looked into her eyes. Swara's eyes were overflowing and she in turn held Ragini's hand quite tightly and assured her that she'd never leave her hand come what may. Ragini felt overwhelmed by seeing the love Swara was showering on her. She decided that if she was wrong in judging Swara in any which ways shed ask her forgiveness right away.

Ragini: Swara after hearing what Dadi's telling me at present I dont know whats right and whats wrong(hearing this Swara bent her head down and sniffed while tears rolled down her eyes)but my heart tells that I should still give you a chance to explain yourself because you really are an important part in my life.So here you go Swara I have given you a chance explain yourself such that even this cocky mind of mine stops bringing these dirty thoughts in my head and also in others'(saying this she glared towards Dadi).I trust you enough to give you this chance Swara. Utilise it wisely

Swara instantly raised her head looking at her soul sister in front of her. She really felt very lucky to have a sister so considerate as Ragini.She held her hand gently and placed it on her head.

Swara:Ragini it's a swear on me that whatever I'll tell you is nothing but the truth. Your feelings for Lakshya haven't been hidden from me ever. I've seen you admiring his antics and blushing looking at him. I know you inside out and you being such a person who hides all her feelings to herself, if you have been so expressive then your feelings for Lakshya are quite pure and are heightened to a greater extent. I always knew my boundaries towards Lakshya and hes been nothing but a brother-in-law and a good friend who's helped us in the reunion of our family. Me having such thoughts for him would be such a shame, but since your heart is broken and somehow I'm the reason for it I'd be more than happy to accept any punishment you'd want to offer me

Ragini: yes Swara you deserve your punishment and your punishment is.............

Phew done with the first part I'd be really glad if you'd read through this story and vote for it and give comments for this...any sort of comment would be accepted

Do vote for it and comment for it guys

And also do guess Swara's punishment. :p

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