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Ragini: yes Swara you deserve your punishment and your punishment is. You would accept the tight hug that I'm about to give you and you should also accept my apology and the most important part is that you've to prepare Chenna Payesh for me just the way dida used to prepare.

Saying this Ragini chuckled and engulfed Swara in a deep hug. Swara was in a shock, in fact shock was an understatement to what she felt at that moment. She thought that if it was a dream then she should never come out of it because for her it was one of the most beautiful dreams ever-being in the arms of her sister. She thought of enjoying the moment and snaked both her hands around her back and hugged Ragini so tight that even air couldn't pass through them. Shekar and Sharmishtha were proud of both their daughters for handling such a situation delicately. Dida was in all smiles and was proud of Ragini and admired her naatin Ragini who was so brave. Dadi fumed seeing the bond between the sisters grow stronger. No matter how hard she tried destiny always had other plans to make these sisters together. After a brief hug of ten minutes the sisters unwillingly drew apart from each other.

Ragini: I must apologize to you Swara. You had always treated me with so much of love and compassion, trust should be the basis of any relationship and I don't know how but the turn of events made my trust though so deep shake a bit. I should have known you better and I also should have known that youd never betray me for anything in the world. Please forgive me Swara.

After saying this, she folded her hands in front of Swara and bent her head in shame. Swara was baffled to see Ragini being so sorry for something which was not even her mistake. She held her hand and made Ragini look up and nodded a no. She gently placed Ragini's hand down and hugged her and gently patted her back.

Swara: Pagal,why would you even apologize to me. You were so considerate to consider giving a chance to me and I'm forever grateful to you for being so compassionate.You reacting the way you did was quite normal and I know you better than everyone. So you need not apologize for something which you haven't done ever.

They parted.Ragini looked at Swara gratefully.She thanked all her stars for sending Swara in her life. She has been so mature and always wished well for Ragini.She nodded and wiped the tears from Swaras face and Swara did the same to Ragini.

To lighten the mood Dida intervened in between and said: Oh the first two conditions are done and now for the final part. Swara go to the kitchen and make Chenna Payesh. My naatini Ragini is the best,she finally did the impossible. Now finally Swara would cook my dish and beware Swara if its not even one bit similar to what I've taught you then make sure I'll make you do sit-ups for a 100 times.

Everyone laughed at this and Swara made a horror-stricken face and immediately ran to the kitchen. Dida went to Ragini and caressed her head smoothly and conveyed through her eyes that shes really proud of her decision today and Ragini reassured her with a small smile. Sharmishta came towards Ragini and hugged her and gently patted her on the back. Ragini relaxed her head on her chest and felt the motherly love she always craved for.

Sharmishtha:Ragu beta I'm really proud of the way you handled the situation today. You truly showed that you have all the qualities of Janki. But I've to ask forgiveness from you beta. I thought you were emotionally weak and you couldnt handle your emotions if I told you the truth so I did the act of fainting. I am really ashamed of myself for not trusting my daughter and not knowing how brave she was.

Saying this Sharmishtha had tears in her eyes. Ragini broke the hug and nodded a no and said: Maa I know that you always thought I have been very fragile and emotionally vulnerable. Its not you until a few minutes back even I thought the same but it was the love of all of you that made me fight my emotions and now I don't even regret anything Maa. You dont have to apologize for anything.

Sharmishtha was proud of her daughter and smiled gently by placing a hand on her cheek.Swara who was in the kitchen heard everything.She was really very proud of the way Ragini was handling things but she knew Ragini better than anyone. She knew Ragini had put up a facade of being happy and was hiding her genuine emotions and she also knew that she would never open up in front of anyone. So she hatched a plan to release her burden and went to the hall and served Chenna Payesh for everyone.

Everyone adored the taste of the sweet and praised Swara for her cooking and Ragini for making her cook.Eventhough Dadi disliked Swara and her Dida she couldnt deny the fact that the dessert was delicious .They spent some time together and dispersed to their respective rooms.Ragini was the last one to leave checking all the doors and windows. She went to the balcony and sighed.It had been a long day. When she was about to go she saw a frame turned to the other side. Curiosity reeked through her veins and she picked up the frame and was flabbergasted to see Lakshya's photo. She couldnt hold back her deceitful tears but still she wiped them off and controlled them but she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to find Swara in front of her with tears in her eyes.

Swara: Ragini I know you. Please dont keep your feelings bottled up. Please open up in front of me. Please express whatever youre feeling dont hide any emotion inside you, let everything out.

No sooner did she say this, Ragini broke down completely by going on her knees. If it was not for Swara she would have collapsed on the ground. She held Swara's dress in her clutches and sobbed like a child.It pained a lot for Swara to see Ragini like this but she knew that all her bottled feelings had to come out or else it'd lead to a greater disaster.

Ragini(while sobbing): Why is it always me Swara.Is liking someone such a crime. My Janaki maa left me when I was a small kid. Didn't I deserve her love. Atleast couldn't god bring you and Sharmishtha maa in my life before. you don't know the problems I've faced Swara. Dadimaa was a sweetheart but she could never be my mother she was always a dadi for me Swara. I also wanted someone to feed me with motherly love Swara, I also wanted wanted someone to praise me on my grades and trophies. I also wanted to throw tantrums at someone when I liked I always wanted a mother and Janaki maa's absence really made me emotionally vulnerable. Then came Lakshya. Dadimaa always made me believe that he was my soulmate. She always made me believe that Lakshya would fill up the void in my life. I always thought that Lakshya was the knight in shining armour in my dark world of endless sorrow Swara. Once I got to know about you and maa I was really happy for finally getting a family Swara. A family I've always dreamt of and I'd always dreamt of Lakshya being the prankster of this little family. Pampered by dida and maa scolded a bit by papa and your partner in crime to irritate me. I always loved him Swara. He was a party freak a total fun loving guy. I knew I had to push my limits and I was ready but him not liking me just because I am traditional broke my heart Swara. And he accepting me back just because of Sanskaar made me feel like a piece of trash. Even if he hadn't asked me I would have always helped Sanskaar because he was always my friend Swara and I'd never leave a friend in the middle of the road to rot. But Lakshya used me like a tissue paper and later wanted to throw me as trash. What was my fault Swara? Is it wrong to love a person and accept him with his flaws.Tell me what should I do now.

Swara couldn't bear her sister's breakdown but still she had to stay strong. She had to be her support, as much as she hated Lakshya she still wanted Lakshya to realise Ragini's love and she also couldn't deny the fact that Lakshya was her good friend and she wanted them to get together because she knew that no one could love Lakshya like Ragini did and Ragini cannot ever love another person as much she's loved Lakshya. She made up her mind that she'd unite Ragini and Lakshya against all odds. She would fight against the DESTINY to make broken Ragini and careless Lakshya the inseparable RAGLAK

Unaware to the two girls there were two pair of eyes watching the two of them with tears in those eyes .

Woah done with the second part friends. I wanted to update it after 15+ votes but today is TEJASSWI PRAKASH'S birthday and this part is dedicated to her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEJA....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RAGINI....

Your comments really means a lot so please do vote for this part and please shower it with comments. Both positive and negative comments are accepted.

Next part would be about the Maheshwari brothers and their opinions and the next part would be after 15+ votes. So do give your votes and comments coz they'd really help me in improving my story.

Guess the pair of eyes.

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