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Don't worry

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Don't worry. I won't start with a cliché intro, an awkward hello or anything like," I am Nancy, 27 years old, English teacher in Johnson High and currently single" - kind of attitude.

In fact I don't know how this beginning should even be like. How does one even introduce something so improbable? Something that you can't explain in words, a story full of questions that's lack answers, an occurrence you can't make out the head and tail but sure are well aware of its uncanny figure.

I feel like introducing this story is far more disturbing than actually unfolding it.

So, I would rather go straight to the point.

I have recently settled in East Lario. And right after a month of moving here with none but myself and my cat, I had been receiving letters from an anonymous source for three months. For the last three months I had found a small black envelope with a rose quietly placed inside my mailbox on every Saturday morning. The letters never held any information about the sender, no name or address or any kind of clue except the fact that it is a girl, a child or a woman with a very messy handwriting.

Yes, I know what you all are thinking. Maybe it was just a prank pulled by some high school kids who just wanted scare their new young teacher.

I wish it was a prank. It would've been easier if it was just a silly prank but unfortunately, life isn't that friendly. The content inside the letters and the bizarre occurrence along side the letter made that clear gradually.

I know I should have gone to police. I should have reported the whole incident for the sake of safety instead of ignoring it in hopes of it being a silly hoax. Then perhaps I wouldn't have to end up in a therapist's cabin. I wouldn't have to start taking all these medicines and weekly check-ups. Even I have lost count of all those sleepless nights I spent dwelling in this circus of would haves, could haves and should haves.

You know what, dark circles are really not fun. They make the red eyes look more puffy and swelled. Combine it with pale skin and a tall thin structure and you have a living ghost right in front of you!

Ta- Da!


I guess I have lost my sense of humour too.

At this point, saying I was scared would be too scarce. I was paranoid. These letters that are in fact, piled right in front of me at this very moment along with my ashtray and my last pack of cigarettes, on the black surface of the glass table are the reason behind my despair. It's amazing how silent and innocent they seem right now as though completely oblivious of the chaotic worms lurking within.


Ah. From chaos I remember, I have to buy ten more pairs of batteries. In bedroom, dining, kitchen or the halls, clocks tick in each room. They need to keep ticking.

Silence has become a little intolerable for me these days.

I haven't contacted the police in fear of getting even more tangled in this mess. I haven't contacted my family or friends in fear of being labelled as a crazy. I don't know whom I should contact to or whom I should trust. It seems my neighbours have been quite suspicious of my daily activities lately. I can still feel their eyes monitoring me from their window. Yes, I should close that window, all windows to be safe. I haven't mentioned the letters to them, to anyone not even my therapist in fear of. . .

Let's not talk about my irrational fears anymore. In short, I have no explanation for those letters. But I sure can show them to you all one by one. Please, read them, feel them.

But I shall warn you.

This is not all that happened after the letters were discovered. A lot has followed it's way to my house. I won't reveal all about it at once but surely with time.

It's a warning before you read the letters. They might still be out for hunt and to follow another unfortunate soul who dared to peek into their woods.

If you ever see their shadow, hide. If they whisper by your side, cut off those ears. .

Never look them eye to eye. You would go insane.

Read at your own risk. And if you still manage to not meet them, kindly send help to this address.

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