The Chosen One - Part 1

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-Part 1-



You opened your eyes just barely to make sure it was time to get up. You haven’t been sleeping well lately and you didn’t know why. Well, actually you did. But you never liked to bring it up because you found it unnecessary.  Niall had been ignoring you lately and it was scaring you. You tried to make it obvious that it had been bothering you, like giving one worded answers and not looking at him directly, but it seemed as if he never noticed.  You turned to your other side and faced Niall. He looked so flawless, like an angel, when he slept. It almost seemed as if he was smiling. You liked this. He was right next to you. Not planning to go anywhere, but with you.  You lightly kissed him, completely forgetting what you were thinking about just moments before. You could never hold a grudge on Niall. You loved him too much. You had been together for a long time now.

You started thinking back to when you first met. It was the first day of college London, and you had just turned 17. You were one of the youngsters because you had started school early, and felt really left out. Your roommate, was never at the dorm, so you were alone most of the time. You had just moved from America, so it was very hard to start. A week into college, you decided to take a tour, and just walk around the campus to wherever it took you. You went outside and started following the sidewalk, and took a few turns here and there, carefully making sure you knew how to get back. You decided to check out the food court, which of course was one of your favorite places. You went into Starbucks and got your usual. It was really, really full, and you had nowhere to sit. Niall, probably noticing, asked you if you cared to join him, and you did. From then on you guys were very close. The next year, he had asked you out on Valentine’s Day. It was the most romantic event ever, and you never wanted it to end. He took you to the beach and you guys spent the night there, singing, watching the sunset, eating, and playing in the ocean. At exactly 12 midnight, he got on one knee and said “Haley, you are beautiful. Perfect. You are everything I would ever want and more. Haley, I love you. Please consider being mine? I can’t bear the thought of sharing you. I care about you too much.” You got teary and accepted. He kissed you again and again and again. Bringing you closer and closer to him, to the point where you can feel his heartbeat.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Niall. “Good morning beautiful.” He cupped your face in his hand and kissed you, like he did every single morning... or used to. “Good morning.” You replied simply. He got up and carried you bridal style into the kitchen, then set you onto the counter. “Why don’t you make us something to eat? I have to go get ready. I’m planning to go somewhere today.” He kissed you, but you didn’t kiss back. Of course, you mumbled under your breath. “What?” Niall said. “Nothing, I’ll get breakfast ready I guess.”  When he left you got off from the counter and screamed inside. How could he do this every single day? It’s starting to really get on your nerves. You decided that today, you would confront him about it. You put some eggs on the stove and flipped the pancakes. You were pissed.

When Niall came out of the room, you turned to face him. “Niall, I need to talk to you.” “About what?” He took a plate from the cabinet and put the food onto the plate, then sat down and started eating. “Just things...” You sat down across from him and waited till he finished. He got up and put his plate into the sink. He turned to face you again and said “I’m listening”. You took a deep breath and started. “I don’t know if it’s just me but something is going on. Niall, I miss the old you. For the past month you’ve changed… a lot. You would die if you couldn’t see me every second of the day, and now it feels as if you’re trying to get away from me with every chance you get. I thin-” Niall walked out of the room and into the bathroom, then started brushing his teeth. “Are you even fucking listening to me?!” You screamed. Now you were done. He can’t just walk away like that? When you were talking? “Geez Haley calm down, I’m listening, I’m listening.” “God Niall, do you even know how rude that was? God I can’t believe you.” “Just go on Haley, God, no need for sass.” Sass?! Fucking SASS?! Who the fuck does he think he is? Not only are you done, but this is done. Whatever you and Niall had, over. Not only was he ignoring you, but in a few seconds, all respect for you, gone. “Fine. If you want to play it that way, the Niall I’m leaving.” He froze, rinsed his mouth, and ran out the door. You already had your suitcase out, throwing your things in, face damp with tears. “Haley, wait please.” You turned around and screamed “For what? For you to leave again? To be ignored? Niall I can do this anymore!” You pushed past him and ran out the door, slamming it behind you. You couldn’t hear Niall’s footsteps, and that’s the moment when you thought you had lost everything.

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