Chapter 3- Aaron Sullivan

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Hello. My name is Aaron Sullivan, you can call me Aaron. Most people know me as, "the quiet guy who was left by his wife." And I don't blame them. That pretty much is my identity now. Okay. You probably don't know me at this point so let me go back.

It was a sunny day when I met her, the love of my life, Mary Rodgers. I was walking back to my table at the coffee shop and I tripped, making my coffee spill on her, Mary. Instead of getting mad at me like she should have she just started laughing. She grabbed a napkin off of the table and wiped off her blouse and skirt. Instead of getting mad at me, she actually offered to buy me a new drink. After that we fell in love, and we got married. Two years later we had our kids.

We were always happy as a family. Then one day our happiness was disrupted when Mary came back from work. Something seemed off. I tried to hug her as she came into the doorway but she shoved me away.  "Is something wrong?" I asked her, but only silence followed. I did not see her until I hopped in bed and I left her alone. It seemed like she needed it. The next day she was happy and everything was normal. That day I pondered what had happened and decided to ask her when I got home. That moment never came. She didn't come home. I thought she just picked up on a night shift from the hospital. She didn't. I texted her, no response. Called her, left her voicemails, still nothing. I remember that instant, when I crumpled to the floor. Feeling all hope gone. You can imagine how devastated I was, how devastated I am.

Weeks after crying myself to sleep, watching old videos, looking through pictures of her, and giving up my life. The police found something. Her car, parked outside of a house in New York City. I immediately took the first flight to NYC and went to that house. Sure enough there it was. her old jeep station wagon sitting in front of a brownstone house. Then I went up and knocked on the door. I waited, and waited. Then finally after a long time I saw a mans face look out from beyond the curtains and sees me. He walks to the door unlocks it and asks me what I want.

I tell him that I am here to see Mary. A smile crosses his face and he lets me in. He yells up the stairs for Mary. And after waiting for a while she comes down, looking dashing. As soon as she sees me her face goes dark and she yells at me. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" she seems absolutely furious. And I am confused. She waits for a minute her chest heaving as she breaths angrily.

"What do you mean?" I say calmly thinking that this is all a huge misunderstanding.

"I left for a reason, and I don't want my old life chasing after me, nipping at my heels." her voice isn't calm but it is very sharp.

"Mary you have a life back in San Francisco, and your kids need you, I need you." That is what I remember saying, and she responded darkly,

"You mean I had a life there." Then the guy who welcomed me shoves me out the door and slams it behind me. I pound on the windows, try to break the glass. Anything to get to Mary. Eventually the police show up thinking that I have made a disturbance. I fight against them thinking about how Mary is helpless in there. That is where my memory stops, the moment when I realized all hope was gone, that she, Mary, was in fact not coming back now, not ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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