Chapter 32

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Don't forget to comment names for the baby!

Gabi's POV

I died.

Without even saying a word.

I hate to die this way but I knew it was coming.

I opened my eyes to have the sun making holes in my eyes. Okay being up in the clouds really suck! How can my mom stand being up here.

"Gabi I'm so sorry about everything but here you can watch over her and your mate." My mom smiled.

"It's fine mom. Really it is." I smiled back.

I looked around and saw other wolves. Dead ones of course. But someone was walking my way sending me a flashy grin.


Wait josh why is he here!

"Josh what are you doing here?" I asked standing to my feet.

"Well you see I'm your guard and since I couldn't save you I died as well. Sad isn't it but at least I'm here with you!" He said jumping on me like a little kid causing my mom and I and some other guy to laugh.

"This is Greyson, Josh's dad and once was my guard." My mom told me.

I smiled at him and he nodded.

"He's very serious. Why did my mom put me with him?!" My mom joked whispered to me so only I could hear as Josh and Greyson were in the middle of a conversation.

"So what next?" I asked.

"Well you see by you being up here right now forever already makes you the Moon Goddess so I'm just the retired one you could say." She and I walked along a path heading towards the castle where my mom and the guards live along with me.


"First order of business that I'm going to be teaching you is looking through the future then putting mates together." My mom who I found out name is Cleo smiled all giddy. "I will demonstrate and then you will try."

She started looking through the future, "ah this boy would work great with this girl. Except she's human whatever they have some of the same traits and they mild perfectly. She will meet him at the age of 17 and he will meet her when he turns 18. Perfect and set." She smiled clicking a button then looking up on the screen to see a baby boy and a baby girl.

"Now if you can't find a mate for a werewolf then they are mate less. Sucks but that's how it goes. If there mate dies before meeting them then you simply have to match them with another wolf." My mom continued. "See you do this a lot everyday, but you also have other workers here I help with smaller things. You will deal with late things like picking mates. Now you turn." She handed me the list of werewolves.

I looked through and pressed the screen on a boy named Jared. He is rouge. So he will meet a few wolves but he runs into a special werewolf. Erica. Betas daughter.

I clicked Erica's thing ad she runs into a bunch of wolves but doesn't have any connection but when she meets Jared she will find that they have a pull. They look great together already.

"Does Jared and Erica work?" I asked Mom. She was smiling happily like I won a race or something.

"It's perfect! I knew you could do it!" She hugged me.

Soon to be Beta of the Sil- wait what! That's my old pack! Silver Moon. My daughter and Courtney's Daughter are going to be running a pack together!? OMG!

Soon to be Beta of the Silver Moon Pack Erica and Rouge Jared will be mates. SEND! First match!

"Next is the hardest one you will ever do. You have to choose your daughters mate." She sighed.

Sadly only a one or two more chapters left of SCOAM. (Everyone starts crying like crazy then starts a crazy fan mob!) JKJKJK


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