Chapter 10

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Side pic because I love donuts..🍩

Gabi POV

He kissed her. He fu$&ing kissed the bitch. I thought he was suppose to be trying to get me back! And this is how he trying?!?

"Gabi wait!" He ran to me.

"No I'm not going to wait for you to catch up! Your going to have and catch me. And I will not make it easy." I spat and took of running.

He shifted into his black wolf and chased after me, but of course I was faster. I got away easily and lost him in the dust.

I hope he enjoys that little wimp of a girl.


I was lying in my bedroom waiting for Eric to come when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?"I asked into my phone.

"Gabi, it's Lucas." Lucas stated.
I should of checked the caller ID.

"Well what's up big boy?" I joked and ended up laughing because I called him big boy like who calls there alpha big boy.

He chucked at my joke and continued. "Blue stone pack has declared war on Staten Pack."

"What does this have to do with
me?" I asked. So my old pack is going to war how does it effect me.

"Midnight moon is tied with Staten and Blue stone but they are helping Blue Stone. And I've been asked to keep you and a 100 of my warriors to help out Midnight Moon."

So Midnight Moon Pack will be going to war with Staten to fight against my old pack, Blue Stone. Wait a minute! My brother is the Alpha!

"Why are they going to war, like Blue Stone and Staten?" I asked,

"The alpha of Blue Stone found his mate but the Beta of Staten kidnapped her." He told me.

My brother found his mate! Ekkkk!!!!

"MY BROTHER FOUND HIS MATE!" I screamed into the phone.

"Oh right I forgot that your brother is the Alpha of Blue Stone." He laughed.

"I had to inform you that you are staying at Midnight Moon for longer then expected. You will also join there training once this month is over. You will go to school with everyone else as well. And find a spot to practice your powers at least once a week."

"That sounds mighty fine." I answered to him.

"I'll let Eric know and in the mean time stay out of trouble." He warned.

"Me get into trouble?! Your crazy bud. Oh uh which prank should I pull on the she wolves? Glue into shampoo bottle or stick a kick me sign on their back?" I asked smirking.

He chuckled and answered with "kick me sign then shampoo next week."

"Hey at least these pranks aren't on you." I smiled remembering all the times I played a good old prank on him.

"Funny. I got to go now I'll talk to you later. Bye Gabi." And with that he ended the call. Alphas.

Eric strolled him happily. "Why are you so happy?" I asked him.

"Well you see I just heard about a pup who got caught by his mate while making out with some other she wolf." He laughed causing me to giggle.

"Shut up." I said.

He walked over and wrapped his arm around me. "You love me."

"You wish Wolfie. Did you get a call from Lucas?" I asked.

"Yeah how about you?" He asked.

"Yeah... Do we have to go to school? My brother will be there!!!" I whined.

He laughed and pulled me closer kissing me on the forehead. "Your a funny one Mrs. Ray."


keep voting and commenting lol.

Ask anything about me or the book or why I always say bala at the end of each chapter and first comment gets a shout out and a follow!!!

Bala 🐠

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