Hello, Jesus

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I can't describe this feeling. The books were right. My life of 26 years flashed before my eyes. It was short and sweet. First, there was little baby me. I was a sweet dare devil. I jumped off of couches, almost as if I was trying to kill myself. Then there was naive teenage me. I was a stupid kid - dating any girl who had an interest in the geeky athlete I had always been. I saw myself in high school on the soccer team. Coach Banditt was who inspired me to go to the ultimate soccer university. Me and my brothers used to make mets bets on when he would meet his fate. I can't believe the old man out lived me. I got to see myself as a freshman in college. I was lonely and craved companionship. By sophomore year I was madly in love with the nagging brat, Victoria. I can't believe it's over. I was going to propose to her.

The flashbacks finally end. Again, I am left with my own thoughts. I wonder if this is all death truly is. I thought there was a God. All my life I've spent going to church, just to find out Heaven has been fake.

I can't think anymore. My brain pulses and my vision go to what looks like a movie screen. On the screen fades to man. The man had a long beard and spoke with authority.

"Hello, Kellin. I have been waiting for you."

I tried to respond, but I couldn't find my voice.

"Don't worry, you can't speak. Welcome to death. I'm Jesus"

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