Chapter 42

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I said nothing, standing there, staring at the handsome man before me, wondering if this was all real. I knew that I wanted him. I wanted him in ways that I didn't understand. But how willing was he actually? How far would he allow me to go? What if I hurt him or did something he didn't like?

"Please don't get quiet on me now," Leo whispered, bringing my eyes off of his corded arms and wide chest. "I know that you might not be comfortable with all of this yet, but we can't get through this if you don't tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind." Did he sound embarrassed? My ringing ears couldn't be sure.

"I don't understand why you want to be tied up," I admitted.

A corner of his mouth lifted into a half hearted smile. "Because I love you and I will do anything to make you feel safe with me. And when you kiss me, when you touch me, I can't focus. Sometimes my actions scare you away. If my arms are tied up, they can't wander and you can feel safe to do whatever you please."

"What if I hurt you?" I whispered, finally allowing myself to inch back towards the bed.

"Ember, we are going to move as slow as you want. You aren't going to suddenly lose control and turn bloodthirsty." At his words my mind flashed to the man on top of me, violent and rough. He had certainly seemed bloodthirsty to me. My hand curled as if I were trying to grab onto the dagger I no longer carried with me. 

"Besides, pain is different like this," Leo continued, my attention snapping back to him. "I've pulled your hair before. Think about how you feel when I give you little bites. You certainly seem like you enjoy them."

I took a small breath, bringing all of my attention back to my husband. He was right. I had liked it. "What if I go too far?"

"You can't," Leo laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I am willing to take whatever you feel able to offer."

I took a moment then, not thinking about any other man or what has been done to me. Not thinking about my duties as a wife or what was expected of me outside of this bedroom. My gaze dripped over him, moving from his muscular thighs to his thick arms, trailing over his powerful chest, up to his carved jaw and those eyes that shone like the finest of gems. I thought about my hands on him, on that bare skin, watching his chest rise and fall for me, listening to him let out sharp breaths.

An ache filled my core.

"Yes, I would like to try."

Any remaining tension bled out of him, allowing him to melt into the bedding. "Now all you have to decide is if you want my shirt to stay on or come off. I feel like you aren't the type to tear clothes off," he teased.

"Off," I blurted without thinking, only imagining touching him, watching those muscles clench.

Leo obliged and I felt my mouth go dry as his arms tugged his shirt off, leaving his chest completely exposed. But I couldn't gawk for too long because he extended the rope towards me. "I'm going to walk you through this knot. It'll be super easy and sturdy, I promise."

And I believed him. I had to keep my gaze training on his hands, though occasionally my eyes wandered over the plains of his chest, studied him all sprawled out on my bed, his arms pointed towards one of the four posters. The rope was soft between my fingers and Leo never complained while I followed his instructions, looping it over his wrists, between his hands and connecting them to the bed post. 

To test my skills, he tugged twice and was given no slack. "Perfect."

Now I was faced with a new dilemma. My husband was splayed out for me, patiently waiting, but all I could do was stare, suddenly so unsure of what to do. Everything I knew about completing the marriage stemmed from the man doing whatever he pleased. Now I held the power and I had no idea what to do with it.

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