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Arizona's POV:

I woke up to the sun shinning in my eyes. When my eyes open I notice my arms wrapped around a beautiful bare brunette. She looks so peaceful. I push some hair out of her face and give her a kiss on the cheek.

Amelia rolls over now facing me. "Good morning, babe." She smiles with her eyes barely open.

"Good morning my sleepy head." I give her another kiss.

"What time is it?"

I look my alarm clock. "8 a.m."

"Ugh", she groans tiredly. "I have to be at work at 10."

"Me too. We can go in together." I smile and she gives me a brightened smile then moves closer so our noses are touching.

"I was thinking-"

"About more sex or a shower? I can never tell with you." She giggles.

I can't help but laugh. "Well I mean- I mean both, but I think a shower before work would be nice."

I get out from under the covers and start walking towards the bathroom door.

I turn on the water and I know Amelia can see me through the doorway.

"Ames you gonna come join or you just gonna stare some more?" I get into the shower.

"Can't I do both?" She stares dreamily.

"Sure, but that'll just leave me all but my lonesome.", I tell her as I close the thin shower curtain.

As I massage the shampoo into my hair I hear my bed creak. Amelia open the shower curtain.

"Someone finally came to their senses." I laugh.

"Oh, shush.", She says sarcastically as she gets in with me.

We make it to the hospital just in time to change to our scrubs before we're classified as "late".

I take Ame's hand in mine and put my other around her waist as we walk out of the attending lounge and to the elevator. I missed this so very much.

I frown as we split up to do our own things.

"I'll see you later?", she asks.

"Of course!" I smile as she kisses me.

I see a pregnant April filling out some charts so I run over to her.


"Hey, Arizona!"

"You won't believe what just happened last night."

"What?" She raises her brow.

"So I took Amelia out to dinner and we may or may not have went back to my place afterwards." I smile from ear to ear.

"You finally listened to Herman, I'm proud!" She giggles a little.

"Oh stop.", I say sarcastically. "I thought her feelings for me were gone but I guess not."

"I'm happy for you, you deserve to be happy for once."

"Thank you April." I give her a hug. "So how are things with Jackson going?"

"Well considering we finalized the divorce and I'm carrying our child it could definitely be better, but as my mom always tells me "God never gives you more than you can handle."

"You're going to make an amazing mother and it's gonna get better!" I give her a comforting shoulder rub.

"And if you ever need anything and I mean anything don't be afraid to come to me. You're my best friend and a I want to be here for you in every way that I can."

"Thank you Arizona." She smiles. "I'll see you after lunch for my ultrasound?"

"Yes, I'll see you then." I get a page from Owen

I run down to trauma room 3 to see a woman in labor with elbow not where it should be and a head lack.

"25 year old female and 23 weeks pregnant with a head lack but CT scans came back clean and a dislocated elbow. She was a passenger in a car wreck."

I bring out the portable ultrasound and look for a heartbeat and find that the baby is distressed and wants to come out.

"Ma'am I'm Dr. Robbins head of fetal surgery here what's your name?"

"Sydney.", she tells me breathing hard.

"I know it hurts probably everywhere, but I'm going to need you to breathe because you being under stress is causing your baby to want to join us out here but they need to cook some more." I take her non broken hand. She breathes in and out and both her and her baby's heart rate slows down.

"Just like that." I give her a smile.

Amelia's POV:

After I left Zona I went and performed my craniotomy on a 34 year old male and of course it was flawless. I wanted to brag about it to Derek even though it's a simple surgery, but then I remembered Mer let him go to Washington, d.c.

Around 10 p.m. I finally make my way to the lobby to see Arizona waiting.

"Hey, my love." She smiles.

"Hello." I smile back and take her hand as she drives us back to her place so I don't have to wake the kids at Mer's.

"How was your day today?", I ask.

"It was slow, I didn't have any surgeries. Just some traumas and ultra sounds."

"Today was Kepner's ultrasound? How was that?"

"She's having a healthy baby girl. So far nothing worrying comes up on the ultrasounds."

"I'm happy for her and Jackson they deserve to have happiness even if they aren't together."

"I completely agree."

When we make it into the house and put on some comfy clothes, Zona starts to cook some dinner.

"So did Karev finally fix things with Wilson?"

"I think so. I mean he hasn't been back so I'm going to assume so." We both laugh.

"That gives me the ability to do whatever, whenever, and wherever to my girlfriend." She smirks.

Did she just call me her girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" I smirk back as she stirs the noodles in the pot.

"I mean I didn't mean to assume-"

"No it's okay. Yes I'm your girlfriend." I smile widely.  "I missed being able to call you my girlfriend." I stand up and out my hands around her waist as she finishes up our dinner.

"Me too, Ames." She turns her head to kiss me.

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