4. No Stripping Please

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It was four in the morning when the doctor from earlier showed up. When he said the surgery was taking place tomorrow I didn't think he meant this early. Slowly reality set in and I began to panic. I didn't want surgery. I didn't want to have my stomach cut open. I didn't want stitches. I didn't want to go under! I didn't want it, any of it! Thoughts like these continued until the time came. After watching the doctors and nurses set up all the sharp tools ,that looked weirdly like they should belong on a Grey's Anatomy episode not at my bedside, they put my oxygen mask on and started to count to ten. 

"One." Nothing happened. 

"Two." My vision went blurry and I began to panic again. 

"Three." Everything went black. 

"Four." Voices became distant and detaches. 

"Five." I was out.

I woke disoriented. I tried to open my eyes but everything was blurry. Someone took my hand but I was to weak to resist. 

"Sweetheart?" Came a voice out of the haze. "Are you alright?" I didn't know where I was of what was happening and I was insanely sore and weak but I tried my best to shake my head. "Don't worry, the doctor said everything will wear off in about 30 minutes. Until then just keep your eyes shut and rest." Luckily my mom was right and slowly but surely I gained full consciousness and memory. My mom had to leave for work but she had left a comfy t-shirt and pyjama bottoms to change into when I was ready to get up. The surgery went smoothly. Well, atleast that's what I've been told considering I was unconscious the whole time. After everything was done and everything was done I took a long nap waking up to a steaming plate of food. Woah I must have slept straight to lunch. I pushed aside my plate feeling nauseous at even the thought of food. 

"Well look who's awake." Bradley called over with a half smile. I noticed that he had changed out of his hospital gown and into a plain white t-shirt with blue plaid pyjama bottoms. Wow that t-shirt was tight...holy abs.... 

"Well hello there." I smiled. My voice sounded like someone was strangling a warthog.  

"How'd the surgery go?"  

"Fine but I got some nasty stitches." 

"Aha it's a war wound." He shrugged with a smile. 

"Yes, yes it is. Anyways I should probably change out of this stupid gown." 

"Yeah you probs should, that blue definately dosent suit you." He winked. 

"Oh thanks," I sarcastically said hopping out of bed only to let out a cry of pain. "ahhhh." Ok, definately shouldn't have done that. I bent over in pain. Bradley jumped up and rushed to my side propping my arm around his shoulder so I was upright. 

"You ok?" 

"Fine." I managed to splutter.  

"Here let me help you." We started to walk to the washroom slowly and steadily when someone ,or should I say someone's, burst through the door. 

"Jasmine!" Roxy screamed in delight/pity as she ran over to take my other arm. Summer and a girl I didn't recognize came in after. "I got it blondie." She told Bradley giving him the once over with a her classic smirk.  

"Roxy! Oh my gosh how'd you guys find my room number?" Roxy put on her classic smirk. Woah her and Bradley could've been cousins!  

"Duh, we called your mom!" Roxy said as if it was overly obvious. Summer dragged the girl from behind to stand beside her. 

"Umm, I hope you don't mind I brought someone along?" Summer shyly asked. Since when is Summer of all people shy? I mean she rules the school. 

"But of course!" I squeeled genuinely excited to meet someone new. Now Summer may be the popular one and Roxy the crazy, sporty one, but I am by far the social butterfly. The girl stepped forward awkwardly. She was pretty, hell she was beautiful. She was atleast an inch taller then me, her blonde hair fell in ringlets perfectly framed her oval face and olive green eyes. I loved her outfit even more, it was absolutely western/country girl and 100% cute! She wore a long sleeved jean shirt rolled up to the sleeves tucked into a short flowy skirt that had a thick black waist band and was made of cream colored airy material. The best part of the outfit? Her awesome detailed cowgirl boots! I don't even know this chicks name and I already love her. 

"Hi, I'm Amy." The girl "Amy" said. Holy shit she even has a Texas accent! Awesome! 

"Hey, I'm Jasmine." I smiled "and by the way I absolutely love your outfit. I am actually like in love with it." I gushed holding back the urge to grab her clothing and rip right off her. I could see the tension drop as she smiled. 

"Summer was right, you are a nice person."  

"Aha thanks. Well I got to get changed now but first one more introduction before I pass out from standing too long. Girls this is Bradley, Bradley these are Roxy, Summer and Amy." I said pointing at them in turn. He smoothly replied with a hey. And helped me into the washroom and shutting the door behind him. I listened to them through the door as they all chatted away. Them chicks better not steal my guy while I'm in here are imma gonna go all ninja on there asses. Aha I crack myself up sometimes. I slowly slipped off my gown to reveal the scar underneath. It looked horrific. Almost as if somone had cut my stomach right open, wait, they did. It was along the side of my stomach, I'm guessing where my appendix is ,or should I say was, with visible stitching. I shuddered slipping on my shirt as quick as possible trying to avoid looking at the wound.

Roxy, Summer and Amy had left about an hour ago and me and Bradley were both just chilling in his bed. Well, I wouldn't exactly say "chilling", we were a bit to close to be chilling. Our legs were practically touching and we both laid our head down on his pillow. The only difference between our positions was that my hands were at my side and his were resting on his chest. All of a sudden the question struck me. I didn't know why Bradley was in the hospital! Oh crap, for all I know he could be contagious! Ok, Jasmine play cool. 

"Why are you in the hospital anyways?" I asked trying my best to sound casual. He grinned. Oh no he must have some contagious disease! Instead of breaking the news to me he lifted up his shirt. If it wasn't for his perfectly chiseled abs I would've noticed the stitches right away. They looked exactly like mine... Before anyone could answer though the nurse walked in. 

"Please Bradley, no stripping." The nurse scolded. I was mortified! My face turned tomato red. Did she really think that we were...ya know...doing it? I looked over at Bradley who was equally as red. He leaned in and whispered something in my ear. 

"You know, they should really put of a "No Stripping" sign up or something, gosh." He whispered burst out laughing. But no matter how hard I laughed It couldn't erase the touch of his lips caressing my ear as he talked.

hey guys hoped you liked this chapter pls read on if u wud like lol and vote and comment!!!!:) much love to all<3

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