6. Candy and kisses

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Hey guys this will be the last chapter until the epilogue so I hope you liked the story oh and who's story do you want me to do next in the series? Either Amy's, summer's or Roxy's!!! Now I'm leaving the choice up to you guys so please comment what your vote is!:) thanks so much guys!!!! Anyways enjoy chapter 6!!!!

I woke up that morning curled up on Bradley's chest. Did I really just sleep here the whole night? I looked up at Bradley still sleeping like a baby with his one arm placed protectively over me, his lips slightly curled in a smile. This was just too damn cute. I didn't want to wake him. Ever so slowly I tilted up my head and just sat there staring and it wasn't too long before I found myself smiling along with him. Ten minutes turned into fifteen minutes and I started to get fidgety. Well what did you expect? I'm not known for being able to sit still for long or even short periods of time. I poked his cheek with a giggle.

"Bradley," I whispered. He mumbled something and turned over "Bradley wake up!" I said a bit louder. His eyes fluttered, but closed them shut once again. I started to picks him some more.

"Uhhhhh what?" He slurred.

"You have to wake up!" I said trying to be serious but failing miserably.

"Mmm but this is nice. Can't we just stay like this forever?" He mumbled as he pulled me closer and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I wish we could, I really do but we can't." A lopsided grin appeared on his face. How do you say no to that? No Jasmine, stay strong! I sat up trying to get his head off of me but he just rested it in my lap in sad. I shook my head with a giggle and played with his silky blond hair.

"Please?" He added in a whiney voice. Damn this boy was good.


"Pretty please?"

"No way."

"Pwease with a cherry on top?"

"Nice try."

"Fine. If I give you a kiss will you let me sleep for just five more minutes?" I could tell he was very proud of his bargaining skills. I paused for a minute...a kiss would be nice...

"...very convincing but no."

"Fine I'm getting up!" He grumbled. I smiled as he yawned and stretched his arms. He readjusted himself so he was laying with his head in my lap and his eyes looked straight into mine. He groggily opened his eyes with a smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning sleepyhead." I smiled a bent my head down as he tilted his up as if our lips were drawn to one another's. I could feel his breath on my lips when he spoke.

"Wait, you don't get a kiss, you didn't let me sleep." His parted lips turned into a malicious grin. I pouted my lips.

"But...but... Why? I only woke you up because I'm leaving today and I don't know when!"

"Still it's only five teeny tiny minutes!" He pouted. Wow, he's even better then me! I tried doing my best innocent puppy dog face.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you."

"Good enough for me." He shrugged and grabbed me around he back of my neck and pulled me close so we could actually kiss. He kissed me fiercely and I leaned even closer kissing him back equally as hard. He grinned as I nibbled his lip.

"Come here you." He grinned pulling back momentarily with a grin. I grinned back and nodded. To be honest I've never really been this close with a guy, but hell I wasn't complaining. I monouvered so that I was no straddling him. I bent down and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around his arms around back. His arms slowly travelled from my hips to my hair. We broke for air.

"Best wake up call ever!" I laughed and hopped off him. He groaned "what no more?"

"Sorry tiger, can't go that far...yet." I said winking at him.

It was almost 3pm and me and Bradley had exchanged every single possible piece of contact info possible. It turns out he goes to high school near my house and actually might be switching schools next year. You ask why? Well his parents are moving to a house actually only a street or two down from mine. It would just make more sense to switch schools. Plus John was switching to our school too because he beat up some bully. Which was actually a heroic story, but apparently there is no fighting whatsoever. A knock came from the door.

"Come in." I yelled from my bed. He door opened and a parade of people walked in including my mom followed in order by Nathan, Cameron, Roxy, Summer and my dad. It was time to go. Fuck. It seemed everyone had a job already assigned. My dad went to pack the few random things that I did bring while Nathan stood by "supervising" as he called it and my mom got my shoes for me. I hardly paid them any attention considering I was focusing on Bradley. He wore a pained expression. I tried to smile but it turned more sad and hollow then I wanted. He mouthed the words I miss you but all I could do was nod.

"Ok Jazz, time to go." My dad told me with a smile. It seemed everyone was happy except me when actually I should be the one to be siked of getting out of here. I looked up once Again to see Bradley nod as if setting me free.

"Ok, let me just say bye to Bradley first."

"Sure thing sweetheart." My dad answered. I got up and with bit of help from Nathan and Roxy I was across the room and standing in front of him. If my parents weren't here I would've said good bye a bit differently, but for now all I could do was give him a hug. I wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could around him ignoring the pain in my stomach. He whispered I love you in my ear so nobody else could here. Finally pulling back I gave him a reassuring smile and a quick get well soon speech. The nurse arrived with a wheelchair considering how painful and hard it is to walk. She also told me to stay in bed for awhile and no more sports for the time being until I feel 100% better. I have to admit even though I was sad and everything it was pretty damn fun in that wheelchair.

"Wheeee." I laughed zooming down the hall like an idiot.

"You are crazy." Summer giggled chasing me.

"For now let's just call you special." Roxy smirked tagging along right after Summer.

"Make sure you didn't forget anything in your room." My mom called close behind us. I came to a screeching halt. My candy!

"You forget something didn't you?" Nathan groaned as if he had better things to do and places to be, which I know for fact is not true.

"I'll be right back!" I quickly said before anyone could offer to go for me. In a one quick motion I wheeled my chair around and zoomed back to my room. Wow this really was fun! With another deafening screech I made a sharp left and sped into my room. Bradley snapped his head up and automatically grinned when he saw me.

"Why are you back?" He questioned as I found the bag with all my candy in it.

"Because I forgot my candy," I wheeled over to his bed and used my arms to push myself up "and a kiss." He grinned once again before catching hold of me in a kiss. It was the best kiss yet passionate yet soft and smooth. I pulled back.

"I have to go." I whispered.

"I'll call you soon don't worry." He whispered back as I smile and nodded.

"And in the summer it will just be me and you."

"Definitely." I quickly got in my wheelchair and wheeled out of the room. I screeched into the hallway where my mom stood.

"What took you so long?" She asked

"Nothing, nothing at all." This seemed to be a good enough answer for her and she turned around with a shrug. Roxy turned back with a goofy smile knowing what I just did. As if to ask answering a question I nodded with a silly smile, but I put my finger to my lips to signal her not to tell a soul. And that's exactly what she did.

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