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When Ana got home, she ate dinner and went to her room. Her father and brother were still at work, so she was alone herself.

She took her locket out of the closet, held it in her hand, and stared at it for a bit with mixed feelings. 

She soon started conversing with it as usual. "Mom, please come back. I miss you. I'm sorry for not talking with you often these days. You know I can't talk when my brother and Paa are around. I don't want them to see me cry."

She was feeling emotional and found it difficult to speak. She moved to her bed and took a seat there while fondly looking at the locket again.

"You know, mama, they adore me. Even if they see me upset, they'll turn the world upside down." She let out a sigh as she recalled her brother's tendency to overreact when it was about Ana. His emotions always heightened, and by now, Ana no longer felt sad when her brother would get emotional. It seemed like a ritual to her now.

Then she recalled what was left to be shared. Suddenly, the face of her friend Jenny came to her mind. How could she have forgotten about her?

"By the way, do you remember Jenny? I wish you could meet Jenny, Mom. She's a sweetheart. At times, I feel like she is my sister from another mother. Do you remember how I always wanted a sister? I was so silly back then, though my wish was fulfilled as I got Jenny. When I see her questioning me all the time, I feel like she is possessed by you. She acts just like you, mom. To be honest, she is overprotective, but I can feel the love in her eyes."

Yes, she surely felt blessed to be surrounded by such amazing and lovely people. Though her father and her brother were family, Jenny was her best friend, who adored Ana and acted like her elder sister or mother. 

Jenny was always there for Ana, supporting her with open arms, especially when she couldn't discuss anything with her brother due to his overprotectiveness. Ana felt incredibly fortunate to have Jenny in her life.

She now glanced aimlessly somewhere in her room, her fingers caressing the locket. It dawned on her suddenly to mention her boss as well. She realised that her tirade against her boss would never end. "Guess what happened today," she went on. "My Hitler boss got sick. I suppose I should be grateful because he had been torturing me for years."

She chuckled at her silly words. But then she remembered how her mother was a kind lady. If she were present, she would have said, "My dear, did I ever teach you to be like this? When did you become such an evil person."

Remembering that, she quickly spoke, "No, Mom, don't take me as an evil person. I swear he's the most obnoxious, self-obsessed, and domineering person I've ever met. He thinks as if the world revolves around him. I wish you could meet him too. I'm sure you would make him right with all those lectures you kept giving me about manners. Those lessons and lectures sucked, Mom." She scrunched her nose as she recalled those days.

Ana was loved by her mother, but when her mother continued to teach her about life, manners, and her behaviour, she hated those sessions. However, now that her mother was no longer alive, she missed everything about her. She would listen to those lectures happily if she got a chance to be with her mother. Sadly, she didn't have that option.

"Anyway, Mommy, how are you doing these days? Are you upset with me? Jenny and I are working hard to fulfil my last promise to you. We are trying our best, Mom. Just bear a little longer. We will succeed in-"

Her words were interrupted by the ringing of her phone. She decided to speak with her mother later after seeing Jenny's call. "Mom, talk to you later. It's Jenny. If I don't receive it, she'll be here in the next minute just to lecture me. I love you, mom. Bye." With that, she received the call while getting down from the bed and approaching her wardrobe.

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