𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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This was the final straw. There are seven trillion nerves in the human body and Finn had just managed to step on the last one. I tried to relax and enjoy Amy's performance. For the past 2 weeks she had been over the moon to work with Henry. I wish I could say the same about my partner.

I glanced at my fitness watch for the twelfth time since I entered The Next Step. Finn was 23 minutes late. How do you manage to be 23 minutes late to rehearsal? Well, it wasn't really a rehearsal and that was the issue. Two weeks ago, Michelle and Emily announced that they were hosting a duet competition and whoever won would get to assist Leon Blackwood all summer. Instantly, I was excited. I saw myself pairing up with Amy. Getting to work with my best friend and Leon Blackwood all summer would be a dream come true. Or I saw myself working with one of the guys- Kingston or Noah. Their lifts and acro would definitely give the duet an edge. However, all my dreams were shattered when I heard Michelle and Emily would be picking partners. And I got Finn. He wasn't even there when they announced the partners and I had to ask Henry to text him the news because I didn't have his phone number. Now that I think about it, I still didn't have his phone number. Not that he would pick up his phone.

I quickly snapped out my annoyance and applauded Amy and Henry with the rest of the team. She chasséd towards me, it was clear she was trying to hide her excitement. If it was anyone else, it wouldn't have worked but Amy was almost always happy so her "hiding my excitement face" was pretty much her regular everyday face.
"Well done," I whispered to her as Emily got ready to call the next pair of dancers.
"Thanks," she said back. She was rocking on her heels, still on a high from the performance. "Where's Finn?" She asked.
"That's what I would like to know," I said through gritted teeth. Kenzie and Ozzy were next to take their place for their duet. That's when I realized Finn and I were next. And he still wasn't here.
"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll come soon," she said with all the optimism in the world.
"And when he comes, will he be in his dance kit? Will he be warmed-up? And he definitely won't have time to-"
"Piper, relax. He's right there."
I wasn't sure whether I should be relieved or irritated by his arrival. Finn strolled in as casually as though he was strolling into his own home. He gave Michelle a discreet nod before slipping in between me and Amy.
"Hey, Pipes." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the ridiculous nickname he had chosen for me over the past few weeks. I was only used to my older brother, James, calling me by that. Hearing it come from Finn's mouth just sounded... weird.
"Hi," I deadpanned. Amy made up for my bitterness by offering a much sweeter greeting.
"Have you stretched?" I asked. The room was alive from Kenzie and Ozzy's dance which was giving Amy and Henry's a run for her money, although I didn't tell her that.
"Yeah, kind of. I jogged all the way here." That was when I noticed the slight sweat dripping down his forehead and the shortness of breath in his voice.
"At least you put some effort in. For once." I turned my back to him and watched the rest of Kenzie and Ozzy's dance.
"Piper," he pleaded. It was interrupted by the applause of the other dancers in the studio. Kenzie and Ozzy took modest bows before scurrying off to their usual cliques.
"We're next," I said. I didn't wait for Emily to call us, but instead I strutted to the center; Finn trailed behind me.
"Are you guys ready?" Michelle asked with the sisterly tone she always carried in her voice.
"Yes, of course." I hoped she didn't already see us at a disadvantage just because Finn was late. I shook off the feeling and listened tentatively for Michelle's tiny count in. The music played and I jumped into the dance.

I had never, in my twelve years of dancing, been so glad for a dance to finish. A-troupe applauded, as per usual, and maybe it was in my head but they sounded nowhere near as enthusiastic as they were for the other duets. I tried to shake off the idea. I passively returned the fist bump Finn offered. We had very much blown our chances of working with Leon Blackwood. And yet, he still wore that stupid smile as though it was a designer jacket.

"Well done dancers," Emily congratulated. "You've all done very well. However, after a quick discussion. Michelle and I believe that the pair who should work with Leon Blackwood are-""Amy and Henry!" Michelle cut Emily off, too excited to hold the news back. I tried to hide my disappointment, which probably had the same effect as Amy trying to hide her excitement. I gave her an affectionate pat on the back. She and Henry entered a tight embrace of celebration. Why couldn't this be me? Well, I knew exactly why.I pivoted on my two feet that were in a fixed fifth position. Standing right in front of me, with his stupid designer smile, was Finn.
"Hey, Pipes!"

A/N: hey guys! I haven't written in the longest time and thought I would publish this draft I've had for quite a while. Tell me what you think of it. Do you want to hear more?

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