I laugh as me and Ray try too sneak out of the Cook residents. We get to the door when she knocks down a small table. I quickly grab it and we run out. "You two suck at being quiet." I flip Kay off. "Love you too JoHoe."
I open my eyes and feel a head on my chest and I laugh. "Stop moving, it's to early." she says. "It's.." I grab my phone. "It's 12, aren't you supposed to talk to Sara." she groans. "Yeah."
"I'm wearing this." she says as she points to my black Obey shirt. "You say that like a statement and not a question." she smiles. "That's cause it wasn't a question." I laugh. "Get out." she says. "But it's my room." she looks at me.
"Jo, please can you get me some coffee?" I huff and get up. "Sure." she smiles. "Good." she pushed my out. I laugh and walk down. I make her a cup. "JO JO!!" she runs down with a smile.
"Shesaidwegotitandthatitcomesoutthurday." she said very fast not taking one single breath. "What?" she screams. "It comes out Thursday. We got it." I smile as she jumps on me. I hum and think about what the others said.
"Hey, would you want to go on a date with me?" she gets down and blushes. "Sure." she says. "Well I still have to go talk to her and Lottie but text me when you think is the best." I smile and nod at her. "Cool, I'll check." she nods and takes the cup.
"Thank you and I'll see you later." she says and walks out after hugging me.
RomanceRayvin Dunbar-Jones has always been the Neglected child. Her father was the only parent to care for her along with her grandparents. Her father was always working to get her everything she wanted. Which is why her mother always hated her. She has be...