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⚠️Abuse, Murder, Rape, Child Abused, Child Neglect⚠️


"Why don't you like your mother?" Jordan asked her and she smiles at some people. "You wanna know why I moved to la?" Kay looks at her and she just nods.

"When I was fifteen I meet this boy, my mom already disliked me but I didn't let it get to me. my father was always working. my brothers and sisters cared more about other things. Raven was visiting his Grandparents. and I was just alone." she says.

"We spent a lot of time together, we started dating when I was seventeen." she looks down at her finger and a green ring sat on it. "But I thought you dated his for four years?" Kay mutters she nods. "We were." she says.

"To my family I started dating him when we were seventeen. I got pregnant at sixteen." she sits down and sighs. "It was a healthy baby boy, his name was Leo. he loved the color green." she covers her mouth and Lottie grabs her hand. she stops and breaths.

(She goes into details about her relationship with her ex. if you don't want to read it you can skip to the next ⚠️)

"I came home from work once day and I can hear him crying, my baby was crying. he was only three and he killed him." she closes her eyes. "He got so mad that, he walked over to the window. I was screaming at him to stop and he just let him go. he dropped my baby from the fourth floor." we all gasped and looked at her.

"I never ran so fast in my life and I got there and I just lost it. I became so depressed. And I knew my mother hated me but I called her. And she told me and I quote. 'You both were mistakes, looks like I was right, that baby was going to die under your roof.' and she laughs and hangs up."

"I tried to leave and Everytime I did he'd find me and threaten me. and I got so depressed that I just gave up. I stopped talking to everyone. the first time I called he cops he somehow convinced them that nothing was going on and he did it right then and there. he raped me and I got pregnant, he didn't like that and kicked me down the stairs lost the baby. the second time he punched me."

"I then had the balls to taIk to someone." she says and pulls out her bag and grabs a white note. she starts reading it.

Dear Person,

I'm Ray, I'm writing to you just because I don't know. I'm putting a random address on this and sending it. At this point it might seem like I'm waiting for someone to kill me.

I probably am, lol just kidding by I'm looking for a friend. and I'll understand. I just wanna tell you about my life.

I'm with this person, he confuses me and I don't really like him right now. but I do love him. confusing right.

Anyways I just want someone else to talk to that's not my dumb sister's. Sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day or night. timezones.

~Sincerly R.J :)

To: Los Angeles, CA 168. Pembroke Ave

From: New York, NY 340 Pines Ave

We all look at Kay who smiles. Ray turns to Kay. "On August 23 2020, I meet a very good person who saved me from a lot. I met another person April 12 2021 I meet her little sister. I knew they would help me get back to my old self." she smiles. "And I got the letter that made me believe in leaving him."

Dear R.J

I hope you can learn to understand that you everything people put you down for, you are a very smart and brave woman it's time you see that. You are so talented and beautiful. He treats you like a game, like the other pieces are worth more. You need to hear his sooner or later but I'm telling you this now.

You are not a game, you are not just a piece he can play with. he's not showing you love. he showing you what you should never choose in a man. You are not a game, so I'm going to tell you, game over. leave and never go back.

~Sincerly Girls. <3

To: New York, NY 340 Pines Ave

From: Los Angeles, CA 168. Pembroke Ave

"I sent them a letter on fast mail, I waited a day and after I got the signal I packed what I could and left. That night I meet Kay and Lainey Cook, the girls who saved me life. My lil sisters who I am very grateful for."

A/N: Now it's time we get into the Rayvin and Jonah relationship 😌😌

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