Nightmare Land

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The night before, I had done nothing. I mean this very literally. After taking a short tour around the campus and learning my path through the day I came back to my new room and sat there, in silence, on my bed looking up at the ceiling. By that time, it was only six o' clock.

At one point I took out my phone and thought about calling my aunt who I lived with before being picked up by these seers. I didn't end up calling her... She probably assumes that I am at college. How little she payed attention to me, I'm surprised she ever knew my name. I sigh and look at my relatively empty contact list. My aunt, my best friend from my old school, and the number for Pizza Hut.

Of course, it isn't that I couldn't be popular if I wanted to. Just that I was afraid of hurting people. I don't understand my powers, let alone if I am the one who even controls them. What if I accidentally hurt someone close to me?

With all this heavy thinking and the weight of what the pprofessor had said before I took my tour, it took me a while to fall asleep, and of course, the nightmare returns once I finally can get sleep:

"Welcome back," it hisses in a tone that sounds less human and more like steam blowing out of a large machine, "how are you liking your stay at the institute?" It laughs. I can't quite put my finger on it, but hte laugh is familiar

Suddenly and all at once the scenery appears around me: A dark graveyard with a blood red moon floating in a pitch black sky. The thing sits on a headstone, its billowing cloak of shadows laying around its feet resting on the ground where a thick cover of white lit red by the moon lays. Its the same human-like figure that is for sure.

"Please, sit," It says and a headstone rushes across the field and under me, making my fall onto it.

"What do you want?" I ask, eyes it. I find it hard to look directly at it, like trying to look at something very bright I can only get a clear image of it looking at it from the sides of my eyes. I figure out, it is its glowing red eyes and enormous power making me feel so uncomfortable and making it hard for me to look at him.

I realize it is his power because he notices me not looking directly at it and says, "Oh, finding it hard to see? That is my power doing that to you... I am so much more powerful for you it is making you sick, isn't it?" It half-laughs, half-snarls.

I glare at him, forcing myself from looking away "I didn't know you were capable of saying more then wake up" I hiss through gritting teeth. I never thought it would be so hard to look at something before, but nonetheless my stomach churns and my eyes burn. I push through it. "What do you want?" I add at the end, looking away finally for a second and taking a breath or two

"What do I want?" It trails off, and follows up with the same laughter and then continues, "I want you dead, I want all seers dead, for what they do to my beautiful children" It is now, that I realize the figure is female. It has a curve to its chest and has long flowing hair that blends with its shadowy figure.

"What are you?" I ask, squitning at it directly making me feel even more sick.

It simply laughs more and the scenery washes out into a dark hole and I just fall into emptiness my ears filling with her laughter. I find myself waking back up who knows how much later. It was a subtle waking up because I had come to realize something. The laughter was not just familiar, it was the exact laughter from that night. The night I almost died. Almost...

Now a new question is burned in my mind, if she just wants all seers dead, why let me survive? I run a hand through sweaty hair and try to get back to sleep.

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