leo: the spine

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In dreams, you have a house on a hill
that faces the sun.
You share the morning
glow and the midday twinge that pulls
at your navel.
You harvest for the dry season
and pull everything inside,
where it will stay,
subtle and loyal as the raise of your chin.
You know the essentials.
You jar them for preserves.
And in knowledge there is confidence
and wealth.
The rivers by your home flow gold
of your own accord.
The soil is fertile.
When you look out to see all that is yours,
you rejoice:
the bodies of the hills
and the plentiful spread of work.
You open your arms.
You're fully yourself.


July 23 - August 22

Leo's the spine, the structure of the body and the bridge of the nervous system. Its ruling fits it well, as Leo is a deeply-feeling and evocative sign. Because of their deep-rooted sense of self, they're often labeled as narcissistic.

my favorite leo poets: robert hayden, percy bysshe shelley, diane wakoski

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