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"I don't know mione" I say as walk up to her "Well obviously there is something wrong" she says looking at my neck "who the fuck did you have sex with" shit she noticed "umm no one" I say hoping she will end the conversation "I'm going to ask one last time who.the.fuck.did.you.sleep.with" fuck I have to tell her "DRACO" I yell .
She looked at me in shock because she knew i broke up with Blaise and Draco was my sisters boyfriend but they got expelled from Hogwarts so I have nothing to worry about right?...
"Pansy" I yell across the room to her "he bitch guess what". "What" I say 
"Party here tonight" she says because she knows how much I love performing at the party's I write so much music I actually just wrote a song with pansy that we are going to perform at the party today. Draco has not been to a party because he was to bust fucking my sister to be there so he doesn't even know I sing.
Short chapter I know but I guarantee you the next one will be longer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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