"Or go home and face my problems?"

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2:21 pm
Me and Corey just pulled up to this run down hospital and see Aaron, Sam and Colby waiting out front for us. They have a camera set up in front of them they're all standing in front of so I stand in between Corey and Aaron, I stay as far away from Colby as I can. "Just waiting for Elton" Sam says to me and Corey. "Who's Elton?" I ask the guys. "Oh he's another one of the roommates, thats like barely ever home because he does like this bucket list and travels the world." Sam explains to me "Yeah we all went on a trip before. Expect for Aaron because he's a poop head" Colby jokes, I laugh a little with the guys. "Yeah I'm going on another trip with him soon, Colby and Sam might come meet up with us for like a day or two" Corey tells me. "That's really cool guys, maybe one day I could go?" "I'll talk to Elton he's always looking for new people to join" Then a black USV pulls up behind Corey's car and out comes a older gentleman with a long beard but he's shorter then all the guys. Me and him are just about the same height. "Heyyy uncleee!!!" Corey runs and jumps in his arms I laugh a little. Sam turns on the camera and points it at them. "Uncle I missed you, you left us..again!!" Colby runs to the man too. I laugh a little again. "Hey guys can you bring your butts over here so we can start!" Yells Sam, Colby and Corey interlock their hands and run over back to where me, Sam and Aaron are standing. "Hey I'm Elton." He puts out his hand and I shake it. "Hey, names Woodland." "Woods for short" Corey says over my shoulder.
5:36 pm
We just got done filming.
"So what do you guys wanna do now?" Aaron ask.
I get a text.
Sammy🐟🤍: plz come home baby☹️ mommy misses you😭
I read it put don't respond it's not worth the fight I'm going to get into if I do go home. I look back up at the guys. "Everything good man?" Sam asks I nod my head. "Well you guys can go get ice cream like babies" Corey points to Colby and Sam. "I'll take care of the kids like always!" Aaron says faking crying we all laugh. "Good! Because I have to go pick up car parts for my wip!" Corey does the wip dance and we all laugh again. "And I'm taking this kid!" He grabs my hand and walks towards his car. "Wait no mommy!!!" I yell to Aaron, playing along. All the guys laugh and I laugh a little at myself. I get in the car and we wait for the rest of the boys to pull off before we do.
"So you wanna go home or go on a adventure with your old man?" Corey jokes and I think about it, I could spend time with a really cute guy or go home and face my problems? "Yeah I'll stay with you dad only if you get me a happy meal or I'm going to tell mom you hit me!" He laughs and smiles that handsome smile. "Alright fine fine" he throws his hands up in the air and we both laugh.
9:45 pm
This long car ride was actually kind of fun we've been listening to music singing and just talking about deep shit. I stopped talking like 3 minutes ago tho because I wanna go to sleep, so Corey turned the music down a little and threw a hoodie over me. Little does he know I haven't fallen asleep yet.

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