Chapter 10: Extremely Happy :)

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Mike Andrew is a slave in a small manor in Fort Comoy. At the age of 14, he is physically strong, powerful, and is much stronger than his peers. He usually helps his parents work for the manor.

Two days ago.

The fact that the knights of the Wissas Territory came to Fort Comoy to preach and recruit people was known all over the city and caused numerous heated discussions.

Some people are excited, others can't believe it.

Mike Andrew listened to the whole process when he went out shopping. After returning, his heart never calmed down, and he was tossing and turning when lying in bed at night.

His heart moved.

He wanted to go to Wissas to see if it was true or false.

Mike Andrew talked to his father about his idea, but his father rejected it.

"Mike, my child, don't be silly, how can slaves become soldiers."

"We are not free people, we are controlled by the manor, and we can't leave the manor without permission... Yes, I know you can go out to Wissas with a poll tax..."

"But that notice must be false. You will be fooled, you have to understand that the poll tax is not cheap."

Old Andrew wanted to dispel Mike Andrew's unrealistic thoughts.

He didn't believe that Wissas could have such great benefits at all.

It's like the Creation God suddenly mercifully dropped a lot of gold coins on the world, it could not be true at all.

He looked at his son's lost expression and gave him a dry consolation, "Maybe the commoners will go to the territory of Wissas and try, then they will know that they have been deceived... a trip for nothing..."

The biggest difference between slaves and civilians is that the slave belongs to the master.

Slaves are not allowed to leave without permission, let alone escape. If they want to go out to do their own affairs, they must pay a poll tax to their masters, otherwise, there is no freedom to speak of.

If they abscond and are captured back, the master has the right to dispose of the slaves at will, including cutting off their hands and feet and giving them death.

In addition, the marriage of slaves is not free, they need to pay marriage tax to the master, and the children born after marriage are also slaves.

When the slave dies, all the property that no one inherits will belong to the master.

Slaves have no right to redeem themselves, they can only sell from one master to another through mutual buying and selling.

Compared with civilians being hired to work for the manor, slaves are supposed to work for the manor. They are often oppressed and humiliated, not to mention the long working hours yet the lowest pay.

The personal freedom of civilians is not restricted, of course, they can go to Wissas at any time.

But it's not easy for Mike Andrew to get there.

The content of the Wissas notice is very clear.

The lord stipulated that if the slaves in Wissas wanted to participate in the evaluation, the master could not restrict their freedom, but must let them go.

If the slave passes the preliminary examination, he can become a reserve soldier, and the Lord will give the slave's owner silver as compensation.

But the slaves outside of Wissas had to go on their own.

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