Crusher's backstory

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Crusher's father's name is Kai

Crusher's Birth mother's name is Alina

Crusher's Step-Mother's name is Delilah

Crusher's grammy's name is Rose

Crusher's Stepbrother's name is Inazuna

Crusher's home town is called Automatic Alley Ways

Way before Crusher was even born his Father Kai had proposed to his biological mother Emi who had a rapidly growing company at the time and Kai out of all honesty never really liked Emi all he wanted was the money from her company.

But Kai was also cheating on Emi because like I said he never really liked her, and he was cheating on her with a woman named Delilah also Crusher's future step-mother. Also Kai had gotten Delilah pregnant around the same time he proposed to Emi and the child she was pregnant with was Crusher's future stepbrother.

After Kai and Emi got married then on their honeymoon Kai ended up getting her pregnant with a baby boy, which they decided they would name Crusher. Now Emi and her mother Rose were overjoyed at the news, but Kai on the other hand wasn't because he already had a son named Inazuna from Delilah the woman he cheated with.

4 years later, Crusher is now 4 years old and his Father hates him while his mother Emi would be out working trying to grow her company more. He'd hit Crusher for no reason and he'd do things that would traumatize him, like he'd bring over Delilah and start full on making out and having s^x with her. And he'd treat him like a slave, Crusher was too scared to tell his mother or his grammy even though they were the only ones that really cared for him and loved him. And would definitely call out Kai and make sure he stopped.

And unfortunately for 5 days before his 5th birthday his father killed his mother, how you may ask. He stabbed her while she was asleep, a sad silent death. And what did Kai get out of this? He got Emi's company and he proposed to Delilah.

But he had to attend his ex-wife's funeral, which ended up being eventful for Crusher because he met 3 year old Pickle, his longest lasting and his very first friend. After the funeral (which was very short I may add..) Kai and Delilah had their wedding, and there Crusher met his 9 year old Stepbrother Inazuna who hated him with a passion due to his mother and father's influence.

After the wedding and their honeymoon, Delilah and Inazuna moved in. But then there was a test, a racing test. Kai and Delilah put Crusher up against Inazuna in a race to determine who would be best suited for racing to represent their company, and Inazuna won by sabotaging Crusher's tires. So he was chosen to be entered in races while Crusher on the other hand was only good for his inventions, and they forced Crusher to build his step brother an inventing pouch like his. Also they treated Crusher like shit not to mention they were actively trying to kill him, and forced him into a private school, while their sweet angel (NOT) got homeschooled and got lots of attention.

In middle school, Crusher ended up getting put in honors classes and he also skipped a grade too. He also got bullied for reading a lot, making lots of inventions, and just being smart in general. He was classified as a book nerd. Also he was bullied for being friends with Pickle, who believed in magic and was really childish in general. But this was also when he met Stripes, Starla, Darington, and Zeg, he became friends with them too. The 6 of them had an unbreakable bond, that's why everyone was surprised when their friendship broke up in highschool.

In highschool, everything went downhill for Crusher. He started forcing himself in races and cheating in them, in hopes that his parents would be proud of him and the spotlight would be on him for once. But this only made his parents and his brother laugh in his face, because his cheats always failed. And once word of the races hit the school he would be the main target of bullying. And because of this he became a cold hearted jerk, also he fell into a depression too he'd lift himself up in public and bring himself down silently when he was alone. Also because of all of this his friends left him. Pickle was the only one that stayed the only that thought he could be redeemed, also speaking of Pickle he had developed a crush on him and he ended up getting together with him. But when he came out to his parents and his stepbrother and told them he was homosexual and introduced them to Pickle, their internal hate for him rose not to mention they also hated Pickle. And it turns out his parents were homophobic now his stepbrother wasn't really homophobic but we'll get into that later. Anyway his parents tried taking him to many churches and exorcists, but they either said no to them or they got kicked out of the church because Crusher started a fight with them. And his depression got even worse

Crusher's relationship with his parents and stepbrother had gotten worse than ever, to the point that his grammy and Pickle's family offered to let him stay. But Crusher declined their offers because he didn't want his problems to weigh them down. And Crusher knew it'd be better for him if he stayed with them because his parents were trying to kill him even more now they even made beating him for no reason a daily thing and even Inazuna joined in. Even though he knew none of the things happening were right, and he should've accepted their offers, he still declined them. And after one particular horrible fight with his parents that he got Pickle involved in, he had enough of their bullshit. He had just graduated from highschool and he had many scholarship opportunities waiting for him that were far away from them.

So that's why that night he left. Yup he was 17 when he packed his bags and left their house for good, and set off for a college far away from Automatic Alley Ways. Axle City was where he was heading along with Pickle who also had his reasons to leave home, but his main reason was to be with Crusher. Both of them set off to Axle city to attend college but most importantly to have a fresh start.

Fast forward a couple of years and Crusher's graduating college along with Pickle, when something catches his eye the one thing Axle city's best known for, The Monster Dome. And it turns out they have really big races going on in there that everyone's watching, so Crusher decides to become one of the racers there and on his first day there he meets Gabby. Also he finds out his old middle school friends were there too, so that sparked a bad memory for him. And it turns out thanks to his little cheats he quickly became the top racer in a matter of weeks. And two years later Blaze and AJ came along and Crusher felt threatened that they might take his spot on top. So for the first time Crusher decided to make something using his investing pouch to cheat, and well you already know how that turned out- 

(Who's backstory should I do next? Also feel free to comment any questions you have ^^)
(Also should I make a separate thing for these) 

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