Café Visit

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Me le narrator: Every sunday Dream takes Fundy to a café and they go to the same one every time! While dream and Fundy are walking to the café Dream give Fundy a little kiss on the cheek!

Dream:I love you Fundy *kisses Fundys cheek*

Fundy:I love you too Dre- *gets kissed on the cheek by Dream* huh hu- *gets flustered*

Dream:Haha! Your so cute.

Me the annoying narrator that is writing this for a friend: They arrived, got their coffee and took a seat across from each other and decided to chat.

Fundy:Hey dream do you love me?

Dream:Of course I do! Why would you ask?

Fundy: I dont know sometimes I feel like you don't love me.

Dream:Fundy I love you no matter what ok!


Dream:*gets up and goes to give Fundy a kiss on his nose*

Fundy:*Does a cute little fox sneeze*

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My lazy self: aFtEr tHeY FiNiSh tHeRe cOfFeE AnD ExItEd tHe cAfÉ

Wholesome FundyxDream (Dundy)Where stories live. Discover now