The Story Of Jeepers Creepers

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Chapter 1:

unknown date,unknown area

Six years and 4 months and 10 days later

whats happing what time is it. damm 8 am. who is outside at this time. "dad why are you awake."

"porque yo estoy cocinando comida para esta noche (because i'm cooking food for tonight)."

"oh okay." hmmm whats tonight. oh yea thanksgiving. well im going to sleep for a little. * sleeps till 6pm* uhhh what time is it. SIIIXXXX omg i need to take a shower. * takes a shower and party starts* man its so boring. i wonder if any one is outside huh what is that is that a person out there. "MOM!!!"

"yes andy."

"their is something out there, what is it?"

"i dont see anything."

"what you kidding right."

"no im not."

"let me check, w-what where did it go."

"andy can you put cody in the porch."

"yea. cody,cody let me turn on the light. W-What MMOOOOMMMM!!!!!!"




OMG the only place is my room.where do i go huh under those blankets.i think im safe."

"Ayúdame, ayúdame, ayúdame, necesitamos ayuda(Help me,help,help,we need help)"says the mexicans outside.

oh god omg *he ju-just walked in*. stay calm,stay calm.he is looking through everything. please dont find me. he i-is leaving. *door closed*. i dont hear a second door closing. * door opens then closes* omg he was just waiting for me. thats the second door. i need to get to the window. OPEN,OPEN GODDAMM andy run.let me go to my friends get to evan's house. huh NOOOO he is right behind me. ahhhhh-a-a-a h-he stabbed me. im dy-dying. *dies and wakes up*

chapter 2

unknown date,unknown area

narrator:okay so this takes place in a random place and area but whats happening is me and a few friends go on a camping trip and my dreams are created through what i think.

hmm where am i now and why am i living. "yeeeeaaaa roadtrip" said gabby.

"so where are we going again" said andy.

"oh well we are going to a church in the woods and we will stay their for a week" said dalina.

"so how far are we" said andy.

"ahhh we are  1 min away" said dalina.

"okay said andy."

"okay we are here lets unpack the car.dalina lock the car gabby open the door for me and help unpack ,abraham,brenda,tina,monica, and evan.'said andy

"alright" said everyone

"okay so everything is unpacked right" said andy. "yea" said dalina.

"and the car is closed."


"okay close the doors;its getting dark." said andy.

"alright"said everyone else.

"okay guys on the first floor and girls on the second floor"said andy.

"okay"said everyone.

" all right good night yall"said andy

*instantly skips to morning*

"good morning yall"said andy

"good morning"said everyone

"okay so ill cook food,okay so sleep for a little more."

"okay"said dalina.

"YYYYAAAASSS"said gabby.

okay so lets see i can make eggs,pancakes,toast,and french toast.ill make a buffet for them.*1 hour later* okay wake up yall. come and eat.omfg a buffet.yep.hell yas* everyone eats and talks* alright so lets go for a walk. whhhhyyy immm tooo laaazzzzzyyyy said gabby. gabby we all need to walk.fine.* walks till almost dark*okay guys lets go back.alright.*they hear something fly over them*did yall hear that?yea what ever lets go back.* they get to the church but there is something wrong*okay so lets see we all are here. WAIT where is evan.its too dark but dont worry he will survive an-and GET INSIDE!!!!! why? LOOK BEHIND YOU*they look and see a creature with evan's head on its tail*GET IN NOW!!!!!okay we sho......ABRAHAAAMMMM.r-run gu-guys survive for me.okay lets go inside this room.okay we can survive. monica wh-whats those colors behind you.*a clown breaks through the window and cuts monicas throat*Nooooo lets go get to the car. outside NOOOWWW!!!!hmm *a tail goes through brenda than tina* FUUUCCKKK get in. drive dalina.if we dont make it i want yall to know something.gabby you really are like a sister too me. i have always tried to make you happy.i feel like no matter how hard i try i never make you feel happy. and dalina i like you and i-IM SORRY I CANT SAVE YOU i really am sorry. we will see each other in heaven. NO andy this is not how it will end,we will survive.andy,dalina is right we will not sorry but its not possible im sorry gabby and dalina u guys will be my best friends of all time and the most inreplaceable friends.* creature pops tires and car drives off road* god make me a wish make sure gabby and dalina goes to heaven and make my soul go to hell.

thx for reading. i cant post almost everyday cause this takes part of me and makes me cry. my dreams can get very dramatic and things that i wish never happen and somethings in this story i dont want to say but ill be honest cause my dreams are very weird and painful

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