Veer And Bani's 🌺..First meet

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Ranveer was gone and Bani went in ......As she entered all the boys were drolling over her ....she ignored and asked somebody passing by..
B: Hi!! Progress Section..?
S:yeah ..that way...

She went in office and after getting some  guidance about the clg..she comes out...she was going to Library when she bumped with somebody ...

B:ouch !..Sorry..
S:No ,I m sorry ..
They both looked at each other and..
B: You ..😲....(Shocked + emotional) ..
That somebody hugs Bani was a bone crushing hug.....Bani broke the hug ......and
B:long time haan ...


Dont think its veer.

B: long time Bela....I missed u..
Be: I missed u too babes ......( She hugs her again...)
Be: acha chal (while breaking the hug)
Canteen chalte hain tujhe kisi se milati hoon..
B: ok
.....they were going to canteen when Bani looked towards the gate and stood shocked ..😲😲


Be: chal na dekh rahi hai ...
(She looks in the direction bani was looking)

Be: ooo ise dekh rahi hai... dekh to akeli nayi hai jis ko us par crush ...clg ki sab larkiyan us par marti hain...By the way he is Mr Veeranshu Singhania ..

(His outfit)

Bani looked at bela and asked how do u know him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Bani looked at bela and asked how do u know him.....
Be: He is my friend...
Come lets go and mert him and his brothers...My gang...
B: No ..I want to go to class now...may be next time haan ok ..ok lemme  go..
Be: hey ! Come na lets meet him ..there is still time left for the class..
B : No plz...I will meet them in the.. in the lunch break plz I have an important work to do in the library..
saying this she ran from there...

Bela huffed ..and went to her gang...She told them about her school friend..(bani) but not the name to them ...she said she will meet them in lunch break at canteen...


Bani is in the library when she heard the bell and ran out...

She went to the class ...
( Veer, bela,Mahir and Baniare in the same class..)
(There gang...veer, ponky,daksh ,monil,bela,mahir...and soon Bani will also be there...😉)
She goes to the class when she sees teacher was already in ..

She enters with fear and nervousness...but the teacher says her hi And introduces her to class Veer was absent minded there bcz he was gazing Bani continuously ..He was lost in her ..The teacher tells bani to go and sit beside veer ..she gulped ..And starts moving towards veer when she saw a free bench behind she was passing veer when he said
V: hey! Hi ..I m veer ..U have to sit here...
Everyone's gaze was fixed on veer as he never allowed anybody to share his bench..
B: (hesitantly.. sat there ..without uttering a word ..)
They attended the whole class silently..when teacher spoke
T: ok students the class is over...
Veer was about to say something when she suddenly got up and goes out.....

~After one hour ~
At Canteen

Veer and mahir were there when mahir spotted bela and Bani coming ..They came...
Be:hi guys..
V/M: hi ..
Be: hmm.. So this is my friend Bani Singh oberoi...aka Banu...
B: hi guys...I m Bani...
M: hi.
B:yeah ...
V:Hi r u ...I met u in the class ri8 ..I m veeranshu
B :oh yeah Hi 🙂..veeranshu
Bela's Pov:
Am i dreaming Bani just didnt react when veer called her she dont allow anybody to call her Banu out of his family and friends...stop over thinking bela might she be changed..
Bela's pov end

V: ok I'll just get icecreams...Bani ...which flavour do u  prefer..
Bela and mahir : uhmm...We r also here ...
B: 😳
V: ummm...woh...I..I ...( Started blabbering....
Be: its ok veer u carry on...lets go Mahir...
Bani: hey bela ! Stop ..he ..he ..was just asking as he dont know my choice ...hey belaa .
But she was gone
V: its ok leave them. Now tell me which flavour..
B: umm Vanilla..
V: ok I'll be right here ...
He went

Bani's pov
He dont remember me but he is behaving like the same veer before...he is...--
Pov end

Veer came ...
V: ok have it ..(by giving her the bowl)
B: hmm .. Thankyou
They went towards a table and sat there..they were eating when veer spoke ...
V: ok so would u like to tell me something about u...
M:sure ok ...So i love dancing...I luv my family more than anything...they matter to me the most...And this is my last semester ..Now what about u ..
V: aa ..I love playing badminton..I luv my family....hmm...actually a lil ...hehe....and...(many more)...

they were having good convo when suddenly a boy came and settled beside Bani saying hi to her...Veer couldn't control himself and just got up from his chair..and punched him..He was feeling jealous.. Bani vtried to stop him but he didnt stopp
he stopped when Bani came in front of him and his fist...he looked at her in disbelieve...and said .
V: plz be on that side ..Sweetheart!
Bani was stuck by listening that word by him again...she moved ..veer beats the man very much and after sometime left him and goes to bani and speaks..
V: sweetheart! R u here. ..hey !(By shaking his hands in front of her...)
Bani's pov ..
I have to start the new beggining so lets go...lets forget my past... let's do it Bani..
POV end

V: hey ! Where are you lost...
B: oh ummm...hann ...bolo hua veeranshu...
V :sweetheart if u don't mind can I call u SWEETHEART...🏵️
B: YEAH ...umm ...sure.....but can I ask you something?
V: Go ahead!
B; why did you beaten him up??
V: U don't know him...right..He is not good guy... that's why..U know ....bad persons like him.... Deserve it..right?(he tried to cover up)
B: may be .

They went from there...

Bani was talking to bela about their past (thier school memories)...and Veer was gazing her continuosly...that when daksh and ponky came...
BANI's back was facing themm.
D: hey guys ...
P: hi..
All of them except bani :Hi
The looked at Bani suspectively ..
Which was noticed by veer ..he then got up and said to them . ..
V: so daksh and our new gang member Bani....
D/P : shocked😮
They cane in front of her and saw her face they were awstruck by seeing her.. they wanted to hug her but they controlled due to veer bcz he didn't remeber anything...
To be continued..

🏵️~Good Bye~🏵️

His Lifeline...🌼🌼 Ft.Vaniजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें