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At RiAnsh bedroom ..

Vansh was nuzzling in her neck , giving a shiver to her spine .. then he placed a small kiss on her forehead , while Riddhima closed her eyes ....

Today she felt a new emotion building in her .. she didn't realize when a drop of tear slide down her cheek , which Vansh instantly rubbed ...

Vansh : " YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL WITH SMILE NOT WITH TEARS , AND THIS TEARS DON'T SUIT YOU , BECAUSE YOU ARE MY WIFE .. MY SWEETHEART " his voice slowly got lowered and smiles at end , gripping his arms tighten on her waist ... And he was drift in a deep slumber ...


" Does he .. he really called her , as his wife ?? , His Sweetheart .. " Thought Riddhima ..

The single sentence for which she carved for this whole month .. did he really spoke that .. she was really happy at last he accepted her as his wife ... But ... he was drugged , Is that he said was in the effect of drug ..

With this thoughts she pushed him , getting out of his grip , but it's like pushing some wall ..

After some tries she also fall asleep .. lying upon him ...


Next morning ..

Vansh open his eyes and with a strong headache .. When his eyes fall on a angel who was sleeping upon him .. Just looking at her angelic face ... All the flash's of last night was in front of him ..

The act of Ahana - Riddhima's appearance - he kissed Riddhima's forehead - His words ..

His words ... he called her , his Sweetheart .. his wife .. but did he regret it ?? .. and the answer is a big No ..

Today he really feel that he is the luckiest guy on this earth , who got Riddhima as his wife .... Somewhat Kabir was right ...

All the while he was smiling cuddling her more ... Thinking all this he again kissed her forehead , then her little nose , and when he was about to kiss his cheek , she opened her eyes with jerk .. which somewhat startled him .. while Riddhima immediately stood up , with sleepy eyes ...

Taking a change Vansh ran to the bathroom , and take a relief , as she didn't realize , that he was kissing her ...

Getting fresh , he comes downstairs and take breakfast and without having a word with her , left for his office .. Full day he was only thinking about Riddhima , today he was waiting when all his stupid works gonna end and he can go back home ..... to his Sweetheart ...

At 7 pm ..

He packed up all his stuff quickly and move to leave ... In the midpath to the way to Mansion , he saw a boy selling flower .. so he bought all the flower ...

And making it as a bouquet he drove back to Mansion ... As he know she would definitely will be waiting for him.

And as he told .. Riddhima was waiting for him ... While Vansh stood at the door , making his heart steady ..
But walk to her , when Riddhima asks him " What happen ?? .. "

He took a baby steps to her , while his heart was racing fast as the way there distances was getting reduce ... " This is for you .. " spoke Vansh forwarding the bouquet .. while Riddhima's eyes widen ...

Later she accept it , lowering his head while inside she was dancing ..

At RiAnsh bedroom ..

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