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chapter two

Teenagers scare

The living shit out of me

They could care less

As long as someone will bleed

-Teenagers, My Chemical Romance


It was defence. Purely out of defence. I didn't decide to punch the bitch in the (probably fake) nose because I hated her, it was because she was being a racist ass to my best friend. That's defence if you ask me.

Okay, maybe I hated her too.

But how could I not? Any enemy of my friend is an enemy of mine. That's a screwed up way of thinking, but it's true.

"You facking bitch!" She screeched. She sounded a bit like a small dinosaur on helium. She looked like one too.

"If you're gonna swear, please pronounce it right. You're not a valley girl, you live in Canada, its fuck. Goodbye." I said, trying my hardest to ignore the part of me wanting to knock her teeth out. I couldn't deny that I was fuming.

I heard another screech, similar to a dying cat, and watched her drive away in her silver mustang, blasting Katy Perry as she sped away.

Walking to the back of the school, I pulled down the rusting ladder and climbed up to the top, where Jason was waiting.

"Hey fuckboy," I said, greeting my cousin with a punch on the arm. He was practically my brother.

"Hey fuckbitch, where's the rest of the crew?" He said, opening a bottle of pepsi, which bubbled onto the paved roof. I pulled off my jacket and threw it on the ground.

"I had to deal with Courtney, they went inside," I said, making a face as I stole his pepsi to take a sip, "How do stand this?"

"It's pepsi, get over it." He said, yanking it out of my hand and taking a swig. "Will I be meeting the infamous Thalia today?"

"Yup, and we're gonna try and drag her back to Max's party. God knows the last time she got laid was there."

It was silent for a bit, just us passing the bottle back and forth. We had found this spot on the roof in ninth grade. It was a small sectioned off area, probably for storing things, but had no roof and a cement wall so if you were staring at it from the parking lot, you wouldn't be able to see us sitting there. The rain had stopped, but the sun had remained hidden behind a grey cloud, making it a light glow in the horizon, an idea of what brightness is.

And I looked over at a person I consider a brother, someone who'd hold me when I couldn't walk, someone who'd kiss away the drunken bruises, someone who I couldn't believe came from the same blood as the person that left handprints on my cheeks and beer stains on my clothes without demanding to know who gave them to me. I looked over at the boy with a mess of matching almost white hair, a boy who I knew would never drink off his problems like my father, and I sighed, grabbing the pepsi bottle to take a sip.

I heard the sound of the rusty ladder creaking, and saw a bright pink head pop into sight. "Trail! Your hurt!" Weylie said.

My hand instinctively went to my upper back, where a huge bruise was, but not from Courtney. Idiot, I thought to myself, Why'd you wear the low back shirt?

Jason looked at me, with questioning eyes. "Guys, it's nothing." I said, as Thalia climbed up the ladder.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing, that bitch." Thalia said, glancing at Jason and crossing her arms.

"I'm Jason-"

"I know who you are. Thalia." She said, cutting him off as she sat down and picked up the pepsi bottle, making a face. "Really?" She grimaced, taking a sip anyway.

I laughed at Jason's face. He looked like he had just met his favourite celebrity, only to be told off by her. Thalia sat down away from Jason, blushing furiously and crossing her legs as she dangled them off the edge. I didn't know what was funnier, his obvious gawking or Thalia's discomfort.

"So what am I hearing about Courtney?" Jason asked, tearing his gaze away from Thalia. Fuckboy, I thought to myself.

"Well, she broke up with her boyfriend, y'know, Max? Anyway, they're not together, so I gave him a blowjob in the janitors closet and we made out for a bit before she found us." Weylie told us as she opened a bottle of pepsi.

"But if they're not together then why'd she flip out?" Thalia asked, looking sideways at Jason and smiling lightly.

"She still wants him." Weylie put simply.

"So are you gonna be his whore or is it a commitment thing?" I asked, pulling my hair out of its messy bun so it'd cover my back bruise.

Thalia tensed beside me, but then again, Jason was beside her and we all knew about her not-so-little crush.

"No, it's commitment. Probably." Weylie said, running her hands through her hair.

Thalia sighed. "I wish I still did that." she said, picking at her nails.

Thalia used to be the girl to get with. And it wasn't like she was easy either. She broke hearts like records and walked right over anyone who would give her less then what she wanted. Admittedly, she slept with almost all of the schools hockey team and almost all of the punks, but no one pretended like they didn't see her smoking outside the school.

And then one day, it stopped. She stopped going to parties, sleeping around, and even quit smoking and binge drinking. She claimed to be "focusing on her studies" but she still had the same marks as last year and was in AP English and science.

"And now you are. We're taking you to Max's party after school, yeah?" Jason said, slinging his arm around her shoulder. She relaxed a bit.

"How about we just all go to my place, meet my cousin and take him with us?" She said.

"What cousin?" I asked.

"Rudy, from the UK. Mom died, no family, whatever. I stalked his Instagram, I think he does LSD." Thalia said, unimpressed.

"I gotta skip, hockey practice. I skived off the last one because of school and my dad nearly killed me." Jason told us.

"Your dad? Not your coach?" Weylie asked.

"Coach is chill, he knows I have school and it's a priority. My dad would rather have me win all my games and flunk, but I'd like a good scholarship anyways."

It was silent, the only sound the wind whistling through our ears. I smiled, looking over at my best friends.

"Whose ready to fuck shit up tonight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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