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chapter one
I'm a wanderlust
I'm a one night stand
Don't belong to no city
Don't belong to no man
-Halsey, Hurricane


To say today was an off day was an understatment. An off day is a day where you forget your pencil case and have to borrow from someone else, you left your homework at home, and you start your period during english.

Today was not an off day. It was a terrible day.

One year.. It had been a year.

Not to mention we were getting report cards mailed home and I was 100% sure I failed math, and my cousin was coming to live with us because aunt whats-her-face died, and I was being dragged to Max's party tonight.

(I hadn't been to a party in a year. Since it happened)

I wasn't glad that aunt whoever kicked the bucket, but as far as I knew, my biological uncle and her were never really in love, and he was dead, and we had never met anyway, and my mom didn't even let us come to his funeral when he died and she didn't even go to his wife's.

I was snapped out of my daze by the harsh swerve of the car, an expensive Mercedes Benz, causing me to lurch forward.

"Fucking hell, can you even drive, Trail?" Weylie joked, as she fixed her lipstick.

Weylie was five feet and three inches of pure sunshine and eyeliner. With fading pink hair and a not so secret obsession with One Direction, it was clear she came off as a naïve schoolgirl.

Weylie was failing every class except art.

"Well I'm sorry, the Pacific Ocean decided to drain onto highway 55 and I have no control over it." Trail snapped back.

Trail was, special. Sarcastic, moody, bitchy, are all words you can use to describe her. Or emo. Emo works too. Rich emo chick who doesn't give a fuck.

Emo as the music blaring out of her expensive car (which happened to be Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens.)

I sighed, looking out the window. The weather had been rainy for the last month, and I didn't mind. The smell of the rain and watching it roll down the window. It was calming in a way you didn't get with a car full of seventeen year old girls who can't decide if they wanna play Fireproof or Bite My Tongue.

I heaved a sigh, sitting back and hoping not to have to talk to people today. But a girl rarely ever goes unnoticed in places she shouldn't be, and maybe that's why eyes followed Trail's expensive car: the only people who owned cars like that were the snobby girls and Trail was hardly that.

Technically, if we wanted to, we could be at home. Exams were over and the school would be deserted expect for the seven and eighth graders on the bottom floor, but it was a tradition for us to come anyway.

"Hey, whore face! Wanna tell me why my fucking boyfriend broke up with me?!" I heard a shrill voice say. Courtney.

Courtney was a rich bitch. She lived in the nicer part of the city, not the shady parts, like me and Weylie, but still in the city, so not on a grandeur lake house like Trail.

"Hey! Long-Chong! Kawaii bitch!! Talk to me before I pull out your bottle hair!" She screeched.

I felt Weylie freeze beside me.

"What the fuck was that you just said?" Trail shot back, striding towards Courtney's car.

"Oh look, immigrant, you're getting the emo to stick up for you! At least she knows how to speak English!" Courtney said, snickering.

And then it was silence.

Mainly because Trail had punched her in the face.

Weylie tugged on my arm, dragging me into the building. "C'mon, she'll skip homeroom and meet us on the roof like she always does."

We sped walk to homeroom, where we skipped our lockers and went straight to the class. Miss F. had left a note on the door.

If you are reading this, I am sick. Just sign your name on the paper and the secretary will know.

-Miss F.

"'Sick' mhmm." I said to myself.

"She probably drank away her divorce. C'mon, let's find Jason." Weylie said.

I didn't want to know Jason. And, no, it's not because he used to chain smoke and it's not because he's on a AAA hockey team and a draft pick for the OHL, it's not because he's a prick (quite the opposite, he lent me a pair of sweat pants when I leaked through my jeans last year) it was simply because I had an enormous crush-in-denial on him, and yet, I could barely talk to a boy without fainting.

It didn't help their over inflated egos.

"Are you coming?" Weylie nagged, causing me to snap out of my daze.

"Oh, yeah sure." And with that, we were heading up to the roof.

question, short chapters and quicker updates or long chapters and slower updates?

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