Chapter 64

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Hello to you all long time no see! But I'm back, I wish you all a good day or night and thank you  all for the support and concern but I am ok!! <3

"Hogwarts is in danger" Hermione whispered

"What?" You asked

"Hogwarts is in danger!" She said louder

She grabbed your hand and ran off in the corridor, you were trying to keep up with her but she was going a little too fast.

"Hermione slow down!!" You yelled

Hermione stopped dead in her tracks as snape appeared in front of her.

"Going somewhere?" He asked

"We were just.." she stammered

She could always make up an excuse to get herself out of trouble but not today. Snape pulled the letter Draco had wrote to you.

"I believe this is the problem?" Snape said

Just at that moment Harry and Ron ran up behind you and Hermione.

"Please Professor let us go if you don't Hogwarts will be in danger" You pleaded

"Nonsense!! Hogwarts is protected, Draco is probably playing a silly joke on you all!" he said sternly

Hermione kept arguing and pleaded to let her pass. Harry grasped your hand tightly.

"Y/n I love you please be safe and keep snape busy" he whispered in your ear

"Where are you going?!" You whispered "Harry don't you leave me now you are not going anywhere without me I will not let you get hurt"

"And I'm not going to let you get hurt" he said before quickly kissing you on the cheek and running off quietly before anybody noticed

"I swear this boy will be the death of me!" You whispered to Ron

Ron smiled

"Don't worry y/n, I'm sure he knows what he's doing" Ron reassured you

"Well I hope so." You said

"And where did Mr Potter go may I ask?" Snape asked

"Um he just told me he went to the common room!" You said quickly

He strode past you back towards the gryffindor common room.

"Well better go check then" Snape said

The 3 of you ran after him.

"I don't think that would be necessary professor!" Hermione exclaimed

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