The Dagger

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Nao spent days and days sleeping next to Lucy's grave, never waking up. Her clothes slowly started to disintegrate. She laid there as if she was dead, as if she was to never wake up ever again.

???: Ugh, this rain is so annoying. When will you take a rest? Can't you just take a rest?!

???: Okay fine, let's go rest in that tree over there.

The figure sat down right behind a tree by a river.

???: Finally. Sheesh Rain, you are annoying just like the rain. Learn when to take a break will ya?

Rain: Was that supposed to be a pun?

???: Maybe, yes, no, eh

Rain shook his head and rested his head on the tree.

Rain: When will the rain stop, I want to continue walking.

???: I may just be a dagg----

The dagger froze and shone brightly.

Rain: Woah woah, why are you shining?

The dagger then floated up to the sky.

Rain: Neo!! Where are you going? Come back!

Neo the dagger then fell back to the ground not as a dagger but as a boy.

Rain: ....

Rain sat in silence staring at the boy. He was as tall as Rain.

Rain: Neo...?

Rain stood up in shock.

Neo: Do I really look that different? Jeez. Calm down bro.

Rain: Yes! You do! You turned human!

Neo: What?

Neo looked at his hands and stared at them in silence.

Neo: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Neo patted himself. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie.

Neo: ......Uhhhh.......

Rain: You were HUMAN?

Neo: Always have been..?

Rain: Why does that sound like a question.

Neo: Because I'm not sure.

Rain: Well, from the looks of it, it looks like you're human?

Neo: Yeah, I gue---

Neo looked to the ground remembering his memories from the past.

Rain: What's wrong?

Neo: Yes-No-Yes- Maybe, I am human. I had a sister, a twin sister.

Rain sighed.

Rain: What's with the yes-no-yes-maybe. You look human to me. Where's your twin sister?

Neo: I don't know.

Neo stood up and went to the river to look at himself.

Neo: Boiiii, I look better as a human than a dagger, don't I?

Rain scoffed

Rain: Your personality is still the same. Speaking of daggers, what should I use to protect myself now?

Neo: Use a twig.

Rain: Are you being serious?

Neo: Yes, why would I not be serious?

Rain stared at Neo.

Rain: Dude, for real? The twig will break before I can protect myself.

Neo: Okay, okay fine. We'll look around.

Rain: A weapon. In the MIDDLE OF THE FOREST.

Neo: Well, you never know?

Rain shook his head and face palmed.

Rain looked around the river for weapons he could use while Neo stared at himself in the river making funny faces.

As Rain was searching for weapons, he tripped.

Rain: Ouch, what the heck?

Rain stood up and patted himself.

Rain: Hey, Neo, come here.

Neo: What's up?

Neo walked towards Rain, also tripping.

Rain laughed out loud.

Neo: You did that on purpose, didn't you?

Rain: Yes, maybe, no anyways. Look at this, isn't this a grave? I haven't seen one in a long while.

Neo stood up patting all the dirt off.

Neo: Looks like a grave to me, a nice headstone too.

Rain: Right?

Rain looked at it closely.

Neo: What did we trip on?

Rain: I don't know, I'm trying to read what this headstone says.

Rain: "Here Lies Lucy Stromberg, a cheerful girl"

Rain: What a nice name, we should pay our respect

Rain kneeled and prayed for the safety of the person in heaven.

Meanwhile, Neo was digging up leaves right where they tripped.

Neo: Is that a ....

Neo took a deep breath and followed the leaves.

Neo: A girl..? Hey Rain,help me, this girl is buried with lots of leaves.

Rain said his last words to the grave and then went to help Neo.

Rain and Neo successfully removed the leaves and stared at the girl.

Rain: Doesn't she... kind of look like you?

Neo sat in silence then shook the person.

Neo: Hey, hey, wake up.

Rain: Aren't you shaking her too much?

Neo ignored Rain and continued to shake the girl. But the girl wouldn't wake up.

Rain: Is she even alive?

Neo: Yes but her body is very cold. Here, give me your jacket.

Rain and Neo took their jackets off and covered the girl.

Rain went to gather some woods to start a fire, while Neo kept her close to give her more heat.

As Neo was warming up the girl, Rain went to hunt for some food.

Neo left alone with the girl, he looked at her and brushed her hair to the side softly.

Neo: N..Nao...?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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