The Beginning

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Nao: I woke up in a hospital... A hospital deep in the forest...

Nao looked at the sky.

Nao: It was very dark... There was no sunlight... You could see red lights or red signs though, there was electric sparking everywhere...

Nao looked at her hands trembling.

Nao: In the... hallways... There were dead bodies of doctors... children... people my age... A few had bite marks.... Some had gunshot wounds all over their body... Including their head... There was lots of blood... Dried blood...

Nao then clutched her hands together.

Nao: I think... they were about three years old... The smell was unbearable.. It took me weeks to get out... There was barely anyone alive... I was all alone...

Nao then started to tear up.

Nao: The next thing I know... I woke up in the middle of the forest... Far from the hospital... That's all I remember...

???: Oh... That must have been tough...

Nao nodded and the girl sat next to her giving her a hug.

???: Well, at least now we have each other! I'll stay by your side!

The girl smiled and so did Nao. They went inside the hut the girl made. It was just the two of them. They spent a year together... Chatting... Living their life... Until Nao came home with their hut on fire and her friend all fried... The cause of the fire was unknown, the hut burned down into pieces. Nao watched the hut fall down into pieces and her friend turn into ashes.

Nao: Lucy.... How...

Nao kneeled on the ground and bursted into tears. She cried for hours and hours until she fell asleep.

She woke up to the sound of the owl hooting. During that night, she gathered what she could gather from the ash and buried them near a river.

Nao: Lucy... Thank you for everything... Thank you for accepting me... Thank you. I will remember you forever and always.

Nao then said her prayers as she made a headstone out of clay. "Here Lies Lucy Stromberg, a cheerful girl"

Nao then cried again and eventually fell asleep next to Lucy's grave.


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