Pillar men x artist reader

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Request: Pillarmen with a S/O that likes to draw, so they start drawing him in secret so he could be amazed at the improvement


-I think he would be a good artist already, but just like every artist they can find something to improve. So he would take a few of your sketch books and practice drawing pictures of you while you are not looking or if you are busy.

-When he thinks he has improved enough, he will show you the picture that he drew of you.


-He might be the second worst artist of the group. He likes how you would always draw and animate him. Even if you were not using him as your muse, he could sit there for hours just watching you draw.

-This actually made him want to draw you as a gift for all the times you have drawn him. So he will spend a lot of time study your art and watching a lot of tutorials to be able to draw you. And when he achieves the drawing that he wants, he will go to you and hand it to you while he tells you how hard it worked on it like a child. He would be very happy if you put it on the fridge or hang it up somewhere in your room.


-hands down the worst artist at first. He could barely do a stick figure right. However, when he decides he wants to do something, he will achieve that goal no matter what it takes.

-He would try to be secretive about it, but you knew to well when he was doing something or when he was getting frustrated while he was doing something.

-So you actually became his art teacher and helped him out a lot. However, he never told you why he suddenly wanted to draw. When he thought he was good enough, he found you and gave it to you. Even though it wasn't a Thomas Eakins painting, you treasured it very much.


-Santana is the best out of all of them, he was your art for a few seconds and was able to draw ten times better you. So instead of trying to impress you with improvement, he will impress you with with the paintings he has of you already.

-He has gave you so many painting, that you have to clear out your storage room so you could hang all the pictures up.

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