Pillarmen matchup (1)

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Request: Can I get a villain part 2/5 matchup, please? I'm a 5'4" bi woman, with Asian facial features. I have black hair, really dark brown eyes, and olive carnation. I'm quiet and introverted, interested in music, drawing, and everything that is art-related. Sometimes I can get a little bit more aggressive than other people, and my mood changes really quickly. I'm very curious about everything and I love gaining knowledge. Have a good day/night!! (And sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language)

 Have a good day/night!! (And sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language)

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I pair you with Santana!

-Just like you, he is a very quiet and introverted person, so he would have no problem with you also being quiet. It might actually put him at peace because he doesn't like loud things. Even if you have your days when you are a little bit aggressive, he will just take you to a quiet room and cuddle you. He will also listen to music with you as long as it's not anything too loud or disruptive.

-As far as art goes he could watch you draw for hours on end without getting bored. He will even let you teach him how to draw if you are down for it. No matter if you are really good at it or not, he will applaud you for your work. Sometimes he likes to draw you, just so you can hang it up in your room or on the refrigerator.

-The fact that you love to learn about new things and gain knowledge excites him very much. On most days he will get a book about whatever interests him and ask you to read to him. While you are reading, he will ask you any questions that come to his mind. The other pillar men sometimes laugh at you guys because of how much of a bookworm you both are.

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