Getting Aquainted

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After school, I went over to my friend Sarah's house to study. We had been friends since preschool. After my brother's audition aired, everybody wanted to be friends with me, but just to get to Harry. I considered Sarah my one true friend who didn't look at Harry the way that everyone else did. As we sat on her bed doing homework, I told her what I had to expect that evening.

Sarah: Oh man. I wouldn't want to be you. I can't imagine having my house filled with teenage boys. Are they at least hot?
Emily: I don't even know.

We laughed and continued working. My cell phone started to ring and I looked at the screen; it was my mom.

Emily: Hello?
Anne: Hey honey. It's almost time for dinner and all of the boys are here. Please come home.
Emily: alright. I'll see you soon. Bye.

I hung up and packed up my stuff.

Sarah: Make sure to report back to me.
Emily: Definitely.

I left Sarah's and walked to my house. When I arrived, I saw 3 cars out front. I wondered if it was the boys' cars or if their parents drove them here. I walked through the door and immediately heard commotion. I already felt drained as I walked into the kitchen to see my mom. I looked toward the living room and saw Harry and 2 other guys sitting on the couch. I looked outside and saw 2 other guys playing basketball in the backyard. My house had been completely taken over by teenage boys.

Harry: Hi Emmy.

He ran over to me with excitement. The two other boys followed shortly behind him. One of the boys had blonde hair and looked young for his age. The other had Justin Bieber type hair and looked familiar to me.

Harry: Emmy this is Liam and Niall. Guys this is my little sister Emily.
Emily: It's nice to meet you both.
Harry: Liam was on the X Factor a couple of years ago.
Emily: Oh that's right. I knew you looked familiar.
Harry: And Niall's Irish.

I gave Harry a curious look. Is that the only fact he could use to introduce me to him? Harry then led me outside to the other 2 guys. He introduced me to someone named Louis Tomlinson. He gave off the vibe that he could be in the emo scene but he was brimming with energy and happiness. Then he walked me over to someone else.

Harry: Emily, this is Zayn.

I shook his hand and I felt my face flush which I thought was odd. All of the other boys were very cute but I didn't have this reaction with them.

Emily: It's nice to meet you.

Once I felt Harry walk away, I realized I had just been standing there looking at him.

Emily: Well I should let you guys get back to your game.

I walked away and went up to the deck. I turned around and watched them play.  I chuckled to myself as Louis struggled to get any baskets. It had to be because of how short he was.

An hour later, it was time for dinner. Mom and I set out dinner and the boys came and sat around the table. Mom sat me across from Harry and next to Zayn who was at the end. Harry talked to Liam, Niall and Louis like he had known them his whole life. I picked at the food on my plate and looked over at Zayn. I decided to try and make some small talk which I was terrible at.

Emily: I'm sorry you got stuck here with me. My mom shouldn't have given us assigned seats.
Zayn: That's alright. I'm still getting to know them myself. I bet this is really overwhelming for you too.

I noted that he said "too", but decided not to draw attention to it.

Emily: Well, it's definitely going to be a big change. But I'm excited for it.
Zayn: Me too.

We both looked on as the boys ate and laughed hysterically. I rolled my eyes playfully at Zayn which made him laugh.

Anne: Well I'm very happy that you guys are here. We'll have to go and get more of your things tomorrow.
Emily: Why?
Anne: Well Simon wants the group to bond so that they'll be comfortable with each other, so they're going to stay here for the week.

I didn't know how to feel about this. They seemed nice and fun to be around, but I didn't know if I could take a whole week with them. I guess this was as much of a test for me as it would be for them.

    Over the week, the boys became like my brothers. Harry's friends always treated me like I was younger than I was; and the boys were no exception. I made sure to establish a friendship with each one of them during the week. However, there was one person who didn't treat me like a child; Zayn. I noticed that he loved to have fun with the group, but he also liked to sit back and observe which I usually did. Being the youngest meant being forced to be the observer. I realized it could be a really great tool to have. Whenever I saw Zayn sitting alone, I would walk over and talk to him. We talked about a lot of random things. I realized my relationship with Zayn was different from the rest of the boys. Zayn didn't treat me like the annoying little sister; he treated me like a friend.
The last night of the boys' visit, I woke up in the middle of the night. I decided to go downstairs and get some water. As I went down the stairs, I noticed Zayn was sitting up on the couch. I felt bad that Zayn got stuck on the couch. Liam was staying in Harry's room and Louis and Niall were in the guest room. I decided to go down and see if everything was okay.
Emily: Hey.
Zayn: Hi.
Emily: Is everything okay?
Zayn: Yes, why?
Emily: Well I just thought it was weird that you are up so late.
Zayn: You're up.
I didn't know if he was trying to be witty or if he was deflecting my question.

Emily: I guess that's true.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. As I was walking through the living room, Zayn asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks.

Zayn: Do you think we'll make it through this competition?
Emily Of course!
Zayn: No, I mean if you weren't Harry's sister, do you think we have enough talent to make it?

I paused and decided to think as objectively as possible. I could tell this meant a lot to him.

Emily: Yes. You guys have sung all week and I'm very impressed. Trust me, you guys will go the distance, I promise.
He looked at me and smiled. I could tell Zayn was still a little anxious, so I decided to stay up a little longer and talk to him.

(Next morning)

I opened my eyes to see Harry standing over me with a smirk on his face. I looked around realizing I wasn't in my bed. I lifted my head and looked to see my head had been on someone's shoulder. I rubbed my eyes as if it would change what was happening. Zayn slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

Louis: I think you broke the guy code Zayn.
Zayn: What?
Louis: You slept with Harry's sister!

They all laughed knowing they were taking it to a dramatic level, but I could also tell they thought something was going on between us.
Anne: Boys? What are you all doing?
Harry: Emmy spent the night with Zayn last night.
I looked at my mom preparing for the worst punishment I could possibly get.

Anne: Boys don't embarrass them. You know better. Now what would you guys like for breakfast?

I breathed a sigh of relief. Zayn and I stared at each other in uncomfortable silence. If it had been any of the others, they wouldn't have made those jokes.

Emily: I'm sorry.
Zayn: You have nothing to apologize for. The boys are just acting like idiots, that's all.

After breakfast, the boys packed up and left the house. Harry and I sat on the couch both exhausted from the week.

Emily: So what did you think of the week?
Harry: I think even if we don't win, we've made some good friendships which is something. Hey about this morning...

I knew I hadn't heard the last of it. I prepared to get the older brother lecture.

Harry: I think it's great that you and Zayn get along so well.

I stared at him in shock.

Emily: Really?

Harry: Of course. I think you're helping him get comfortable with the rest of the group. To be honest, those guys can be a little crazy.

Little did we know how crazy our lives would soon become.

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