Up All Night

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The first tour was finally underway. The first few weeks were fun for all of us. The boys found it electric to be on stage. However, after 2 months of being on the road, it was starting to take its toll. For mom and I, we had it easier. We usually were able to sleep in and we just hung out with the boys whenever they were available. The group never got a day off. They were up early every morning doing interviews and rehearsing. There were also conversations starting about a second album that they were set to record as soon as the tour was over. The boys played everything off as if it was fine, but I secretly worried for them; so did my mother. We both realized that us being on the road with them was good in many situations; but we couldn't change their schedule.

Soon, another problem began to happen. Mobs of people began to crowd around at whatever hotel we were staying in. We started having paparazzi catch us wherever we went. Whenever the group would do an interview, it would be a trending topic on twitter. Twitter was great but it also could become a nightmare. We were severely naive to the fact that the group would start getting hate for literally nothing.

One night, the group had just performed one of their UK shows. We always made it a habit to meet them on the bus after to congratulate them. The boys came back with towels and bottles of water in hand. We found our spots; mom right next to Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall eating, and Zayn and I sitting on his cot just chatting about our day.

Emily: So, how was the show?
Zayn: You ask me the same question every time. You know it doesn't change.
Emily: You're such a downer.

We laughed. I could tell he was getting a little bored with doing the same thing every night, but it was just the way it went. Zayn and I continued talking when all of a sudden, I heard something crash and the sound of stomping coming towards the back. Zayn and I peeked from behind the curtain to see that Harry was the only one missing. I looked to the floor and saw a small black phone face down. My mother lifted the phone to reveal he had shattered the screen. I decided to go back and see what was wrong. As I walked, I heard sniffing and heavy breathing. Harry never really cried, so I knew something must be wrong. I looked to find him sitting on the floor of the bus against the wall. I sat down on the floor next to him.

Emily: What's wrong?

He took a deep breath and looked at me. His eyes were red and filled with tears.

Harry: Why do people hate me?
Emily: What people?
Harry: Just...people. People really hate me. Did I do something or say something?

I realized what he meant. I had seen some of the many online trolls he was talking about. It angered me to see what they said, but I just decided not to say anything. I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Emily: Harry, it's not anything that you've done. And nobody that really knows you, hates you.
Harry: You have to say that you're my sister.

I laughed and put my head on his shoulder.

Emily: I know this is really hard, but you'll get used to it. Well maybe not used to it, but it won't affect you as much. I promise.

We hugged and Harry went to the front of the bus. I took back my spot next to Zayn.

Zayn: What's wrong with Harry?
Emily: People are just being terrible to him on twitter. He's never had people make fun of him before, so he's not used to it.
Zayn: I think Harry's more sensitive than I thought.
Emily: Me too.

I decided to ask Zayn how he was doing with all of the scrutiny. I knew he internalized everything so I wanted to make sure he was doing alright.

Emily: Are you doing okay with all the attention and social media stuff?
Zayn: I think so. My problem mainly lies with the paparazzi. They just won't leave us alone. It's always fun when I get to prank them with Louis, but it doesn't change how invasive it is.
Emily: I never had to deal with paps until I went on this tour with you guys. They really are the worst. It makes me glad the tour is almost over.
Zayn: It will be nice to have a bit of a break.

We both looked at each other. I felt sad thinking about the break. I realized I was going to miss all of the boys; especially Zayn. That thought scared me out of my fog. I left his cot and went to visit with the rest of the boys.

After a few more weeks, the tour finally came to a close. As soon as we came home, I made plans to stay the night at Sarah's so we could catch up. I hadn't told anyone about my feelings yet. I knew if anyone would take it well, she would. I went over on Friday night. We had pizza and watched some tv. Then we went upstairs. I told her all about the tour and gave her all the information she wanted. I knew I had to tell her what was really on my mind.

Emily: Can I tell you a secret?
Sarah: Of course.
Emily: I think I like one of the boys.

Her mouth dropped open. I knew she'd be living for this.

Sarah: Well of course! What's not to like?

I knew she wasn't fully understanding what I meant.

Emily: No, I mean I have feelings for one of them.
Sarah: Which one?
Emily: Zayn.

She screeched and I put my hand over her mouth.

Emily: Do you not know what a secret is?
Sarah: I'm sorry. Well what are you going to do?
Emily: What do you mean? I can't DO anything. If we dated it would be so uncomfortable for Harry and make things awkward in the group. Especially if we broke up. Plus he's 3 years older than me. He wouldn't be interested in me.
Sarah: I wouldn't be so sure.

We both got into our beds. I had a mattress on the floor and she was in her bed. I was curious why she felt so sure that Zayn likes me in that way. She had never even met him or seen us interact.

Emily: You think he does?
Sarah: If you just had a crush on him it would be different. But it seems like you guys have a real connection. Most of the stories you told me had to do with you and Zayn hanging out together.

I hadn't even realized that. That thought scared me. What if someone interviewed me and could see what Sarah spotted? She turned off the light. I laid there in the dark thinking about what I should do. I dreaded bringing it up to anyone else since I felt so stupid. I decided to use this break as a time to really consider my feelings. Maybe time apart from Zayn would snap me out of this. I was probably making something out of nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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