Room No: 2 (Unedited)

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Professor Luo Yunxi met a psychiatrist. Then he came to a restaurant to meet his mama. He was reading the prescription. The psychiatrist prescribed him some medicine to relaxation and boosting energy for his brain. At this time, his mother entered the restaurant. He kept away the prescription.

"Son, how are you doing?"

"Mama, I'm fine. how is your health? are you taking your medicine properly? and how is papa?"Luo Yunxi asked.

"We are all right. Here take it. I called you here to give it to you." Mama gave a red packet.

Luo Yunxi opened the packet and saw a yellow talisman paper. Spells were written in red color on it. Luo Yunxi's eyebrow twitched.

What a pain in the ass!

"Mama, you know that I don't believe in these." Luo Yunxi tried to give it back to his mother.

"No, keep it. Tonight is the Lunar eclipse. Ghosts and demons lurk in the human world during these eclipses. Listen, son, I met a very good Shaman. She told me that you are at the risk of getting affected by ghosts. So listen to mama. Be a good boy and keep it close to you, okay?"

Luo Yunxi couldn't say no to his mother, so he took it.

However, he didn't keep it to him, he threw that into a bin before returning home.

Luo Yunxi had wished to watch the lunar eclipse but he couldn't do so due to the geographical location. So he entered his study room to read his research paper. He was so engrossed in his study that he didn't notice the change in his room. A sudden blow of wind entered through the open window, some papers flew here and there and the jade angel fell down on the table.

This sudden incident made Luo Yunxi a little bit surprised and his finger got cut by the thin paper.

"Hsss!" Luo Yunxi hissed with the dull pain. He took a tissue paper and wiped his blood first, took the jade angel and kept it in its position, and collected all the paper.

Poor Yunxi didn't know that a little drop of his blood stained the jade angel. He closed the window and came to his chair.

As soon as he sat, his head started to hurt. He felt like his head was going to split.

"Aaaahhhh!" Yunxi shouted with pain. He didn't even have any energy to go and take medicine.
"Aaaahhhh! oooohhhh! Help!"

He fell down from the chair and twisted his body in pain and at last fainted.

He woke up in the middle of the night. His head was still hurting but it was not as severe as before. When he was rubbing the temple of his forehead, he heard someone sobbing.

The noise of sobbing was getting clearer to him. So he stood up and looked for the sobbing person. But he didn't have to search for a long time. By the side of his study table, someone was squatting down and crying. Luo Yunxi again felt the headache and smelled the stench of rotten flesh. He felt goosebumps all over his body again.

"Who- who is there?" He asked carefully. He was prepared to fight against the stranger.

The person looked at Luo Yunxi. Luo Yunxi shivered with fear.

The person's complexion was pale and bloodless. His lips were colorless and his eyes were surrounded with deep dark circles. The pupils of his eyes were very large. The whole person seemed very unholy and creepy.

"Who is there?" Luo Yunxi's voice trembled.

"It's me. Can you see me now?" The creepy stranger said.

"Yes, I can," Yunxi felt confused at the question. "But who are you? Why are you crying like this in my house? Tell me quickly or I'll call the security forces."

"I'm Feiyu, Feiyu Chen. This is my house and your mother is trying to throw me away from my house. The 'cleansing ritual' is hurting me badly. That's why I'm crying. And even if you call the security forces, they will not be able to see me." The stranger replied in a hoarse voice. Though his lips are moving slightly, Yunxi Luo felt that the sound was coming from far away and it was playing direct into his ear – in his head.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yunxi Luo was feeling restless. The stranger was talking near him but his voice seemed to come from a very far place. His voice was low and deep but somewhat ominous. "Why can they not see you? And my mother is not here, how can she try to throw you out?"

"I was near you allthe time, did you see me? I am a ghost from the ghost realm. This house wasgiven to me to live by the ghost authority but you intruded in my house. Andyour mama gave you a talisman today which you threw away, remember? Your motheris now with the shaman, trying to force me to get out of this house." FeiyuChen, the ghost, sobbed again.


I'm very happy to let you know that 'Forever, My Dear Ghost' is available on Amazon only at $0.99. You can grab your copy here:


Many readers loved this book, which was actually my first draft. But the published book is more refined, more polished and beautiful than this one.

Thank you very much for always supporting me. I love you all.

-F. S. Pinkey ( ))

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