Room No: 3 (Unedited)

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"Hello, Zizi! Ni hao (Are you fine)?" Luo Yunxi called his childhood friend Huang Zi.

"Hi, Yunxi! Is that you?" Huang Zi cried out loudly in excitement. "Oh my god! I can't believe it. So you got time to remember me! Say, what's up?"

"Yes, I am good." After some talk, Luo Yunxi raised the topic, he called Huang Zi. "Zizi, do you remember Xiao Yao? Do you have any of his pictures? The pictures of his college life?"

"Wow! You still remember him. Just throw that trash out of your head."

"Zizi, it's serious. I need it to confirm something. And I no longer feel anything for him. It was a long ago." Luo Yunxi sounded tired.

"Okay, let me check it for you. If I get one, I'll send you. But you have to tell me what's going on." Huang Zizi demanded.

"Yeah, Sure." After some more talk, Luo Yunxi cut the line.

"Who is this Xiao Yao?" The fresh and also creepy-looking overly handsome guy, the ghost Chen Feiyu, asked in a curious voice.

"Are you not my imagination? Shouldn't you know about it?" Luo Yunxi stretched up one of his eyebrows.

"And I told you that I am not your imagination; I am a ghost from The Ghost realm. I definitely exist. So tell me, who is this Xiao Yao?"

Luo Yunxi was getting ready to go outside. He sighed and said, "Weird! Xiao Yao used to be my classmate. I can't remember him very clearly; I can't remember his face. But I remember that he also had the height like you; he also had this wild-looking handsome guy face."

"So, why do you want to see his college picture? What do you want to confirm?" He seemed to think deeply.

'Are the ghosts this shallow?' Luo Yunxi thought, then said, "Isn't it obvious that I want to confirm that I am not imagining him. I mean you are Chen Feiyu, as you said, not Xiao Yao. I want to confirm it."

Chen Feiyu seemed dejected.

Ding! The mobile rang once.

"Oh, she has sent me the picture," Luo Yunxi took the phone and opened the message. He saw a group picture of some young man, and nobody's face matched with the ghost Chen Feiyu. But he saw Xiao Yao after so many days.

Now Luo Yunxi got dejected, and Chen Feiyu frowned. This picture proved that Chen Feiyu was not his imagination of Xiao Yao. Things got more complicated.

He looked to the side where Chen Feiyu was but saw no one. "Chen Feiyu! Chen Feiyu!"

Nobody responded to him for some moment. Then he heard a light voice which was coming from a far away. Luo Yunxi turned to look at the source and got bumped against a hard chest.

"Ouch!" Luo Yunxi rubbed his nose.

"Sorry! Are you okay, Luo Yunxi?" Chen Feiyu asked in a concerned tone.

"Ah, I'm Fine. Where did you go?"

"I went to see this Xiao Yao. He has two kids now... And he doesn't look like me at all."

Luo Yunxi stared at Chen Feiyu with disbelief, but Chen Feiyu was looking at him so innocently. Chen Feiyu's creepy face looked so innocent that Luo Yunxi couldn't stare at him any longer.

"What was this Xiao Yao to you?"

Luo Yunxi thought for a moment and decided to speak the truth. There was no shame to say his truth to his imagination or to a ghost, right?

"We both were classmates when we were in the high school. I had a crush on this guy. I liked him, but I could never tell him. I didn't have the courage. I didn't have the courage. But I think he guessed it because he started to avoid me and misbehaved with me. I was very hurt by his rude behavior. My parents somehow guessed my preference for boys, but they never discussed it. My dad simply transferred me from my all-boys high school to a co-ed high school and got me engaged with one of his business partners' daughters just after I passed college. Though I never liked her, I accepted this marriage proposal. I thought that after marriage, my sexual preference might get changed. But I was wrong. She also noticed my unwillingness to be intimate with her. At that time, we were in London for my research works. We got distant from each other. Soon she built an extra-marital relationship with one of my fellow researchers in London. When Lester was two years old, we divorced each other."

Luo Yunxi sighed. "Ah, I am really going crazy. Talking about all these memories to myself."

"You are not talking to yourself; I am present here. Why can't you accept my presence?" Chen Feiyu asked in a sullen tone.

"Okay, okay. You are a ghost in my home. Happy? Now, leave me alone."

Chen Feiyu left Luo Yunxi alone and sat on the sofa. The TV got started on its own. Luo Yunxi peeked in the living room. He saw the back of Chen Feiyu, who was emitting a dark aura. It seemed like his body was sucking all the light in the room. Though the whole room is bright with lights, the place, where he was sitting, seemed dark and unholy. The TV channels were changing on their own in front of Chen Feiyu. The scenery was really creepy that Luo Yunxi felt the goosebumps.

He quickly averted his gaze.

Thus Luo Yunxi's days started to pass. He started to learn about Chen Feiyu gradually. Chen Feiyu liked raw meats, but Luo Yunxi had to touch that meat and offered it to that Jade angel so that he could touch it and eat it. He never wanted to eat food that was touched by fire or electricity. Chen Feiyu could go under the sunlight, but he liked nighttime more; he didn't like sunlight because it bothered his eyesight. Chen Feiyu, as he is a ghost, gave off a rotten smell. Whenever he got closer to Luo Yunxi, Luo Yunxi, at first, felt the headache and desperation in his heart. He subconsciously wanted to run away from Chen Feiyu, but his rational thinking stopped him every time. He bought clothes for Chen Feiyu and offered the clothes to that Jade angel as per Chen Feiyu's suggesstion so that Chen Feiyu could wear that. Chen Feiyu never blinked, which made his gaze creepy. His presence was gloomy.

Chen Feiyu told Luo Yunxi that when he took birth in the ghost realm, he saw a young human died in front of him. The young man was holding the jade angel in his palm, and blood was flowing out of his mouth. Chen Feiyu believed that he had taken after the shape and form of that young boy. The jade angel had become Chen Feiyu's relic. As he took everything from that guy, Chen Feiyu always felt lonely in his heart. He felt that he had been waiting for someone. He felt stomach pain always, and blood flowed out of his mouth whenever the pain got severe.

Luo Yunxi asked him how to reduce his pain. Chen Feiyu replied that if he offered him meat every day, his stomach pain could be reduced. And after his marriage to Luo Yunxi, he felt less lonely than before.

Luo stretched his eyebrows. "Why do you always say that we are married? If I have offered you my blood, doesn't it made a pact between us? will you not fulfill my wish, and in exchange, I will have to sell my soul to you?"

"You are thinking too much, Luo Yunxi. I am not a demon. I am a mere ghost. Ghost can come to the human realm by attaching itself to some human soul. And marriage is a bond that helps the ghost to get attached to a human soul. When a human offers his blood to the relics of a ghost, he invites the ghost and becomes his husband or wife. We are not like demons who demand extravagant sacrifices or selling the soul.. "

Luo Yunxi scratched his head. He never had any kind of interest in ghost theory, supernatural or paranormal subjects. He had only watched some movies with his friends and learned some shallow knowledge. Just now Chen Feiyu had opened a new dimension in front of him.

'So ghosts are demons are different in their demands!' Luo Yunxi thought.

One more thing Luo Yunxi had discovered. Chen Feiyu liked to watch daily soap; the more romantic melodrama the more he enjoyed. And the more he enjoyed those stupid melodramas, the more he got gloomy. But he still kept watching those series.

Every night Chen Feiyu snuggled into the bed to sleep with him; every morning, they took shower together. Every morning, Luo Yunxi had to offer raw meat in front of the jade angel as he didn't want to see Chen Feiyu's blood vomit and stomach pain. He tried to get back home as soon as possible as he believed that Chen Feiyu was waiting for him.

To Luo Yunxi, the creepy-looking Chen Feiyu was getting cuter day by day. His life was going smoothly with the ghost Chen Feiyu.


I'm very happy to let you know that 'Forever, My Dear Ghost' is available on Amazon only at $0.99. You can grab your copy here:


Many readers loved this book, which was actually my first draft. But the published book is more refined, more polished and beautiful than this one.

Thank you very much for always supporting me. I love you all.

-F. S. Pinkey ( ))

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