Chapter one - Momo's Slumber Party

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•All in Todoroki's POV•

I was on my way to class and instantly sat into my seat sulking downward to look at my desk. "Good morning Todoroki-Kun♡" I heard Midoriya say happily. I looked at him. There was something with Midoriya that made me feel all weird. My stomach felt like hundreds of butterflies were in there, flapping their wings to desperately get out. My body felt heated even though I wasn't activating my fire quirk. My heart clenched my chest and beat fast like I ran a marathon. "Good morning Midoriya" I could barely say as my heart clenched my chest super tight. He made an adorable giggle and went to his seat. I looked back down at my desk.

When Mr. Aizawa came in my back straightened, ready for one final day of lessons. It was Friday and most of us were desperately ready for the weekend, apparently from what I've heard was that Momo was throwing a slumber party at her house and was inviting the whole class except for Aizawa and Mineta. I looked over at Midoriya. He was muttering to himself. What I liked a lot about Midoriya. I liked his muttering, his enchanting eyes, his bushy fluffy hair, and his smile. His smile was always bright like it could reflect the sun. Only if I could smile as bright as he could. Only if I could reflect the sun with a bright, big smile. People mostly think of me as a careless person, that nothing nor nobody could make me feel things. But Midoriya makes me feel feelings what does this make him. Maybe Midoriya is the angel that everyone, besides Bakugou, thinks he is. I looked at the clock and class was almost over. I was thinking of Midoriya for such a long time. I guess Midoriya has a special thing that makes people lose track of time but wanting to spend more with him.

The bell rang and everyone practically ran out of the classroom and all there was left was a couple of students: Me, Midoriya, Iida, Bakugou, and Momo. Momo walked up to me after gathering all of her stuff. "Are you going to my sleepover Todoroki?" She asked, holding her stuff close to her chest. "I think so," I said, blankly. Then Midoriya joined the conversation. "Hi Todoroki-Kun" he waved and wore his bright smile. "Hi, Momo-sama!" He said, brightly. She waved politely. "Todoroki-Kun, are you going to Momo-sama's sleepover too?" He asked. So he's going. Momo was about to tell him I didn't think I was going but I said something before she did. "Yes, I am". "Oh, goodie" he clapped. Momo looked at me surprised, then her surprise sadden.

I was at my house, packing stuff for the sleepover when I got a text from the class 1-A group chat.

Momo: my address is (random rich place address)

Midoriya💚: Thanks Momo-sama!

I felt that heart clench and the butterflies again. I decided to ask someone about what was going on with me, so I decided to text Mina.

Me: Mina I need to ask you something

Mina: what chu need Todoroni

Me: Whenever I'm near Midoriya I feel like butterflies are in my stomach and my heart gets fast and heavy I don't know what is happening

Mina: oo~ I can't tell ya but I'll help ya get to the right path

What does she mean she can't tell me that's the whole reason I texted her. But what does she mean by 'helping me to the right path'. Maybe she's going to give me a hint. Who knows.

Surprisingly Endeavor was okay with me going to a girl's house. "Shoto, I think you and 'Momo' would make a great couple". This disgusted me, but why. Momo is a nice girl but I don't feel anything towards her. I just rolled my eyes and sighed staring out the window as we made our way to Momo's house.

Endeavor dropped me off and I knocked on what I could presume was her front door since her house looked enormous. Momo opened it and grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. I took my hand away from hers in a rude way. I didn't like her touching me. It felt...weird. We made our way to where everyone was and I saw Jiro, Kirishima, Bakugou, Uraraka, and Iida but no Midoriya.

Everyone was there now except for Midoriya. Then there was a knock at the door. I practically got on my knees and prayed that it was Midoriya. It was. "Sorry I'm a little late" Midoriya squeaked. "Both otters are in the building" I overheard Mina whisper to Tsuyu, Hagakuri, Jiro, and Uraraka. What are they talking about? I ignored thinking it was girl stuff as I realized Midoriya sat down next to me. "Hi Todoroki-Kun," he said, with a closed-eyed smile. I looked away from his adorable childish face. "Hey let's play truth or dare," Denki said, proudly. "Hell yeah," Kirishima cheered. "I ain't playing your child's game!" Bakugou huffed. "Why you scared" Kirishima teased. "ME! SCARED! NO WAY!" Bakugou yelled as he sat down in the circle we made. Midoriya sat next to me and almost all the girls sat down next to each other whispering who knows what.

"Okay, Bakubae truth or dare," Mina said, pointing towards the loud blonde. "Dare," he said with a demonic grin. Mina grinned and giggled evilly. "I dare you to give a compliment to every person in this room," she said, as a bunch of 'oos' floated about. Bakugou tched' but knowing him, he wasn't going to back down. "How about you start with Kirishima," Sero said comfortingly. Bakugou sighed. "I like Kirishima's confidence and how similar we are" Bakugou mumbled but we all heard it. "Aw Bakubro♡" Kirishima said, rubbing his neck. Bakugou's face turned red. He looked angry but not so angry at the same time, confusing. "Raccoon Eyes I think you're funny and I like your attitude" Bakugou continued. "Aw~ I like yours too," she said, flattered.

Everyone got a compliment from Bakugou. It was different but it felt nice. He told me he liked my eye color and my not-giving-a-shit vibe. Then it was Midoriya's turn. "You're alright," he said. That wasn't the greatest compliment and I was really angry. There are so many things that you could love about Midoriya and the only thing he could say was 'you're alright'. "Well, I'll take it since you don't compliment me at all," Midoriya said, happily. I just sighed. It annoyed me but I couldn't do much about it so I ignored it.

The game went around until it was me who got 'truth or dared'. "Todoroni truth or dare," Mina asked. I felt a little brave with Midoriya by me so I chose dare. "Dare," I said, blankly. "I dare you to flirt with Midoriya".

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