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Well, I just kissed a dude I thought I had no chance with. That escalated quickly. After we had returned to his flat, we had settled in to watch the movie interstellar and had ended it with a kiss. We went up to his room and soon fell asleep, listening to his heartbeat.


*Time Skip*
I open my eyes to hear the sound of someone humming in the kitchen it's a soft sound and I know it can't be Tristan, men if you heard him hum it's more outward and loud. Slowly pulling myself out of bed I float to the kitchen to she Amber and Emmalie cooking up a storm. By this time it was about 7:30am so I had to ask "Amber, Emmalie what are you guys doing up so early." Both of them in harmony reply "We have school but we promise we'll be back." This sentence stuck in my head all day or should I say morning since Emmalie left, but I thought well I might as well get her something as she made this wonderful breakfast. So I ventured outward to find here a comic book as she seemed like the nerdy type of girl since the day I might her. Well I was looking I saw another male at the store looking for something. He was about the same height as me with black hair and blueish green yellow eyes. He was wearing a Pokemon shirt almost like mine so of course I had to compliment him. "Ummm hi my names Dan I really like your shirt" in my head all I could hear was; that was so stupid just run away, but I couldn't he looked up at me and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him he was so handsome. As he turned around and looked at me, he replied "Why thank you my name is Phil, I couldn't help but notice you must like doctor who."

My heart stopped he knew but how, as thoughts rolled into my head one by one it hit me I was wearing my doctor who shirt today. That took me about 2 minutes to remember so he was kind of just looking at me awkwardly. So I responded "why yes thanks for noticing Ummm would you like to go for coffee sometime." Was all I could get myself to say as I was struck with the feeling of love just looking at him. He smiled at me nodding and gave me his number. I was star struck I couldn't move or do anything I was just standing there looking like a complete fool but that's me most days so I didn't really care. At this moment I completely forgot about Emmalie, and getting her something but that all changed when I got back home.

*Back at 6:30*
The girls have been making breakfast since 6 and it smells sooooo good, but they won't let me have any till their all done. So I just sat there staring at Amber, thinking about the kiss we had and if it meant anything. I never noticed how nice Amber looked when she was smiling and laughing till today, well she was cooking, her eyes lit up just like they did when we kissed. This is the first time she has been truly happy in a long time I gusse, she's never truly had pure happiness for the past 11 years of her life.

By the time these thoughts have settled in and the girls were done cooking it was about 7:45. Dan just got up 15 minutes ago, I was thankful he did because he asked them why they were up so early. I was going to ask but I gusse I just thought I wouldn't.

After eating their delicious breakfast they both had to leave because they had school, but they promised to come back so I wasn't worried. Dan left only 10 minutes after them, something about getting Emmalie a gift. After hearing Dan say that all that could go through my head was the kiss I had with Amber and her beautiful Brown eyes. So I thought to compliment her eyes I would buy her a locket and put a picture of me in it so she knows I am always there for her. So I was off to find a locket made special for her.

I went through shop and shop again until finally on the edge of London I found a little boutique with the most original locket in the window. It was pricey but for someone as special as her it was worth it. After buying it I rushed home to find the perfect picture of me to put in the locket. Once I got home I found Dan on the floor gazing off into the distance. "Dude are you ok you seem unsteady" in response he replied "I met someone and he was handsome." This befuddled me as I thought he liked Emmalie so I had to say something "ummm Dan I thought you liked Emmalie." He looked up at me confused "who's..... O crap I totally forgot about Emmalie, I... I need to go back and get her a...." He looked stressed so I handed him the ring I secretly bought that matched the locket. "Tristan what's this for?" He asked even more confused then before "it's for Emmalie I am sure she'll understand you just have to tell her." That's when I heard a knock at the door it was Emmalie and Amber, we couldn't keep talking or they would know. So Dan and I looked at each other and went completely silent.

I knocked on the door with Amber beside me waiting for someone to open the door then I saw Tristan right there greeting us in. He looked at Amber with Heart eyes, you could tell they were in love. I dropped my bag and walked over to Dan who seemed on edge "what's wrong?" I asked with a conseried look on my face. He looked up at me with tears forming in his eyes "I don't know how to tell you this without hurting you" tears now dripping in strikes down his face. "It's ok just tell me nothing can hurt me I promise hit me with it." He looked down worryingly "ok well I went shopping to look for something to get you for the great breakfast, and ended up at the comic book store where I meant a guy named Phil who I think I have a crush on, but I got you this ring." The ring was incrested with a bird on it with the word be strong in the middle. I wasn't sad that me and Dan didn't work out I was happy that I found a friend in someone who cared and that's exactly what I told him. He smiled at me and asked if I would like to play a video game with him and of course being a total geek I said yes.

The long video game session turned into another night at Dan and Tristan's falt, but tonight was different although I was inside the same bed as Dan it felt like we were no where close. It felt like we were from 2 very different planets and although we were friends and that's all we were ever going to be it just felt weird, as we have been through so much together. I flipped over to look at Dan who was still awake and looking back at me. We just looked at each other for awhile but I had to break the silence. "Dan I know all we ever were was friends but this feels weird, I think I am going to go sleep on the couch." Then he just looked at me and shock his head "no its ok take my bed you need it more then me." I gusse that has always just been something I liked about him, he is too caring to actually let me sleep on the couch so he is letting me sleep in his bed. This was something I feared so I planned to get out of their falt at 3 am so they wouldn't notice. I just had to make sure everyone was asleep before I tried to sneek away.

As soon as me and Emmalie walked through the door Tristan was looking at as if he had something. "Amber I got you something and we'll I hope you like it" is all he said as he handed me a little box. I slowly opened it to find a heart shaped locket with a picture of Tristan inside it, incrested on the heart it said "know I am always here for you." Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I fell into a hug with Tristan. He was smiling, then he asked "Do you like it" all I could get out was a nod. He hugged me tighter and then gently raised my head as he laid a kiss on my forehead.

You never truly understand love until you have someone call you beautiful, which Tristan did as he kissed my forehead. He made me get butterflies, I never had butterflies until today. In school I was know as an orphan as I had no parents, but I did live with my grandparents, that didn't help much. Every time someone called me an orphan it brought tears to my eyes as it brought back the memories of losing my parents.

For once in my life after a long time I felt happy, safe, and compassionate. Tristan brought back so many things that I kept locked away. After receiving the locket I ended up just cuddling with Tristan till I feel asleep in he's Arms; where I felt safe. That is until I found out what happened the next day.

Hey guys thanks for reading chapter 8 sorry it's so late someone didn't write their part so know I am finishing the whole book I am very sorry if it's bad forgive me I am horrible without any editor and I am sorry
Khloe xx

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