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After getting out of Starbucks, Tristan's number in hand, we walked in silence. Coming to Zumba class late is pretty bad, but being late and meeting a hot guy is pretty great. Let's be real here. Bonus: he actually likes me. On a bad note, I had to do actual Zumba, not like I actually tried anyways (heh). We walked back to the Zumba place, quickly shedding our coats and getting back into our places. Stealing a glance at Tristan, I buckled down for the second half.


~*time skip because everyones horrendously out of shape. also: zumba is boring anyways*~

Once the class was (finally) done, it almost felt like I had finally got my parents back, like I had a purpose. (Pfftttt, I already know thats not going to happen.) I was quite far away from the door and Tristan was already waiting, so, he tossed me my bag in one swift motion with a small smile. I realized I had started to blush and was turning quite red. Not just 'blushie blushie teehehe just a bit pink' but more like 'FRICKEN UNCONTROLLABLE TOMATO RED'. Why. Just why.



After seeing Amber blush, I figured she liked me about as much as I liked her. Good. Very good. So, like every manly man would do, I offered to walk her home. She replied,

"Sure, just don't be suprised if my grandparents start staring at you when we get there."

We started walking and I realised this sort of suprised me, I assumed otherwise the whole time.

"I thought you lived with your parents..."

Amber suddenly slumped to the ground in tears. (Why do I always do something wrong...) Being my caring self, I sat down next to her and comforted her.

"Amber, whats wrong?" I asked with a calming voice.

She told me all about losing her parents, living with her grandparents and her little brother Kelson, all while drawing in shaky wet breaths. I felt terrible for her, so I wrapped my long arms around her and we just sat there. Then I got an idea.

*cue the light bulb* *much inspirational* *very idea*

I started to tell her about my life story. I ranted on, hoping she'd feel better. She looked up at me with a small smile and said,

"No one has ever stayed to comfort me or open up like that, thank you."

"Do you really think I would just leave you here?" I asked smiling at her and pulling her closer.

We slowly stood up and started walking again, enjoying the silence.


Once arrived at my house, I spun around so I could see Tristan's face. His eyes were the perfect shade of blue, laced with specks of turquoise. To end the silence, he took me into a friendly hug. He whispered softly into my ear,

"Text me."

He swiftly said his goodbyes, and in a split second he turned around and walked toward the underground. I started blushing, but thank Jesus he was gone. Phew. Close call.


Walking into the underground, I had many *cough cough* interesting thoughts about Amber. Trying not to run into anything, I subconsciously turned corner after corner until I got back to my flat. When I walked in, I heard Dan yelling,


Knowing he was joking, I yelled back,


Walking in to the kitchen, there was a bowl of soup waiting. So, exactly one bowl of soup and two episodes of Hetalia later, I walked back into my room. No sooner had I sat down on my bed, my phone buzzed loudly.

«Hey Tristan, its Amber»

«Hey whats up?»

«Good u? :)»

«Good! But ummm... I want to ask you something would you like to hang at my flat instead of going to Zumba tommorow?»

«Sorry, can't. Have school but I can come later if thats okay with you.»

«Thats great and sure, I could wait all night for you! Here are the details: come at 8 to the apartment on 25 ave, room 653»

«k night :)»


With Amber coming over soon, I hopped into the shower thinking about all the things we could talk about. Maybe family... Nevermind, seems like that's a sore subject for her. Quickly hopping out, I put on a pair of PJ's and surfed the web for things to say to a girl... that you like. That didn't exactly work, because I ended up falling asleep in about five minutes. Oh well, I'm pretty cool with the ladies anyway. I think...


Having a small seizure after waking up, (I thought it was midnight or something already), I started to make some food. Knowing Dan would eat some, I made twice as much. I heard a knock at the door and I knew it wouldn't be Amber, she'd be here a little later. I waited for Dan to open the door to see Emmalie walk in. She waved at me and I waved back. Since Dan and Emmalie were having a 'date' so I went to my room so I wouldn't intrupt them.


About three hours later, there was another knock at the door.
"Amber." I whispered to myself because Dan and Emmalie were asleep.
Opening up the door, I opened my arms to receive a *reallllyyy* friendly hug. Undoing her shoes, Amber followed me to my bedroom, not noticing Dan or Emmalie on the couch sleeping.

Walking in, I let her sit on my bed and eat some food (nachos, woot woot~). That I had made. Yay. I got skills. We talked for hours on end, watching some vines and cute cat videos (don't judge, we all do that once in a while) until we realised it was around four in the morning. I didn't want disturb her, so I let her lay on my chest while I tried to fell asleep.


Laying on Tristan's chest, I listened to his heart beat. That was something has been on my bucket list forever. One more Thing to check off that list. I lay there for barely any time at all until I fell asleep, only to wake up an hour later. I really wanted that to happen. A lot. *sigh* I leaned over to check the time on my phone, but I had left the charger in my bag, and it was dead. I slowly got up, trying to not wake Tristan. Being a ninja, I slipped away. Like a boss. I crept to my bag only to have the lights turn on. I didn't turn the lights on. What. The. Hell. I saw a girl standing about 3 feet away, and trust me, I wasn't standing by a mirror.


Ayyy guys Khloë here did I create some suspense for you. Find out what happens in the next chapter. The next chapter is going to not only be typed by Sabina but also me because ayy all the characters are going to be in it. But anyway thanks for reading this far and hope you like it its about to get more exciting in the up coming chapters so stay tuned.
Love Khloë

AYYYYY it's Sabina here! Hope you like the (kindof) cliffhanger. much wow. VOTECOMMENTREADADDNLADADADADA~
Sabina xx

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