Chapter Three

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"So, Rox. Tell me a little bit more about yourself!" Agent Skye begged. 

"Skye, you shouldn't push her!" TNTina scolded. 

"Sorry," Skye whispered.

"It's fine. But I'm going to tell anyone anything more about me until I know as much as I can about all of you," Rox told them. 

"Fair. Okay, so as you know, my name is TNTina. I never had a good relationship with my family. 'Not a good relationship' meaning I was abused. I was the only girl, and the youngest out of seven older brothers. The oldest, Shawn, was the worst. I'm not going into more detail about that, though," TNTina shuttered. 

Rox winced. "I didn't mean into personal info. Just enough so I know more about you."

Skye giggled. "TNTina takes things literal sometimes."

"So do you!" TNTina fired back, making Skye and Rox laugh hard. 

"So why are you called TNTina?" Rox asked.

"'Cause she's a bomb!" Skye replied first, making them laugh again. Somehow, Skye made Rox feel better. After being called a weirdo, an idiot, and other hurtful things, she lost all trust in people except her parents. 

"Well, I was raised in a magic forest," Skye began, with some mystery in her voice. "And I didn't know my parents. Things in the forest work in different ways. There are fairies, mermaids, naiads, dryads, you name any magic creature, it was there."

Rox looked wide eyed at the younger girl full of wonder, trying to image what it was like.

"I only had one friend, and it's Ollie. I didn't get him until I was eight, and that was eleven-almost-twelve years ago. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong before any other kid would get their hat-fairy, and get welcomed into an adventure!" 

Rox smiled again, and wished that she could see this place for real. "Do you ever go back?"

"Go back? Well....I could....I just don't. Not often anyways. I do have to return at least once every two years. I have to do it to stay alive. But I only have to be there for a day, and then I'm back!"

TNTina looked a bit concerned. "Skye—"

"I also get to ride unicorns! There so much fun. And—"


"Yeah, Tina?"

"The *ahem* War? When do you need to be there?"

"I can go whenever I need to! Summer is always better, because I can then go for four years without having to return!"  

"So that's where you disappeared three years ago in the middle of winter," Maya pipped in. She had been listening to the conversation from a distance. 

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you. I was feeling weaker by the minute, so I had to dash," Skye chuckled nervously. 

Maya shook her head.

"Sometimes, I don't know why I ever ask," she sighed. 

"What's something you can tell us about your past, Maya?" Skye queried. 

"All you need to know is that once, I did bad things. And in doing so, I met Midas. He pulled me out of that cadge I was in, and gave me a purpose in life."


Rox wondered how Skye seemed to always be so happy and cheerful. 

Little did she know, Skye was forming the same feelings that Rox had for Skye.

So what did you think of the chapter?

Any suggestions that I could use to move the story along before the end of June?

Only five more chapters for this story! Maybe more. Idk.

Hope you enjoyed this and the new Season of Fortnite! It's "Epic"! 

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