Jonaskians and me

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It was a hot day in the summer as I was just waking up on July 20th .i could already hear the arguing between my dad and sister. My sister snuck out for the third time. She got grounded for 3 weeks ,Haha . I never did anything like this you could call me a goody two shoes or whatever but you know what ,I liked being good. I never got grounded it was the good life , I practically had my parents wraped around my finger.

I ran down the stairs and said hi to my parents . They said hi ... We need to talk to you. They said sit down I went to the couch and they started off by saying your dad and I have been thinking ... We're sick of the snow and your dad can't find a good job offer. So we thought its time to move . WHAT!!!!! I've lived in Massachusetts all my life, It was my home . They went on saying we already have a house down there and some airplane tickets ...

We're moving to Australia ... We already talked to you sister and brother about this . They didn't mind ?

Well they don't have a friend in the middle of a crumbling relationship !

She needs me , if I leave she may die .

Ok maybe that's a little bit of and exaggeration but still.they just looked at me rolled there eyes and said we're moving in 4 weeks . Start packing. As they walked away they said we will talk more about it later.

Well anyways I'm Sam , Sammy , or Samantha you can call me any of those I don't really care . I have long brown hair ,brown eyes , and a whole lot of freckles everywhere also dimples . I'm 16 very self conscious about my body and not very popular.

So once I got in my room I just had to call my best friend, Caitlyn . She answered and said what do you want ? I'm like we need to hang out NOW! I screamed into the phone . She just said ok I'll get my dad to drive us to the mall. Then she hung up.

As I got dressed I just remembered to tell my parents so I just yelled down the stairs . IM GOING TO THE MALL WITH CAITLYN HER DADS DRIVING US!!! I waited for a responce while getting dressed in some shorts and a tank top. I heard nothing so after I was done I went to see them I said I'm going in a sec .

They said alright just as Caitlyn got here.

I jumped it the car . Hey mr. Hart , he just looked up gave me a nod and looked back at the road .

Once we got to the mall I dragged Caitlyn in and said ... Caitlyn I'm moving . She just stared at me horrified at what I just said .

She just stared at me 5 min later she looked at me and said you can't leave !

I'm scared to Caitlyn I don't wanna leave I've lived here my whole life ...

She tackle hugged me people stared but I don't care I'm gonna miss her. The word got around quick once I told my friend Allisa she's a huge blabber mouth seriously , this girl can't shut up!

I got home

*4 weeks later*

We were done packing up the house most of it junk and thrown away or given away . It was time to leave to catch the plane . After a 4 hour ride to the airport I was anxious to get out of the car for a while . The trucks full of our stuff were only hours away from our house because they left a day before . We got our tickets and got ready to get on the plane .

On the plane I made my way to my seat . My sister sat next to me texting and Facebooking. I looked at her and she said annoyed 'what do you want freak show ' and stole my beanie. I grabbed it back and turned around put in my ear buds listened to my favorite song by never shout never ,cant stand it . I eventually fell asleep .

The Caption saying we are about to land and that he hoped we enjoyed our flight woke me up. The plane landed and both me and my sister got up out of our seats . We got out of the plane

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