Chapter 3 Part 3 - 3

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Shutting off my car... I sat inside it... allowing myself time to clear my mind... I couldn't come into tonight with that mentality I had last night... Confronting Freya get's me no where... and I'll need to know that when she temps reactions out of me like last night... She knows my ODD get's the best of me... and will be a easy way to me on a emotional level... And I feel... If I can prove to her that I move and act on my own... and better myself as a person with out her... or anyone else that it could put her a step closer to herself again... and closer to accepting me as her Friend again... or at least as the guard to respect instead of lust to kill... Taking multiple deep breaths... calming breaths at that... I was ready... Stepping out the car, One pulled in on my passenger side... I stood hand on the door and looking over there as the driver stepped out... The car... was a 72 green Corvette... It looked to familiar to me... but it couldn't be her... 

Stepping out the car came Shelby Lain... every Teachers pet... and Every Jocks crush... Worst of all... She wore the Guard Badge on her Shirt with her name on it... Unlike mine that Didn't display a name... "That Asshole give's name badges and didn't make one for me!!!" I complained under my breath half way offended. She looked over to me as my expression looked Unamazed with the Surprise... "Oh... it's you... You're not dead yet?" She said already coming off like a bratty bitch... "Take this in confidence... and not as a threat, be very careful who you insult around them in there... They kill for less" I said closing Katie's (Mustang's Name : D) Door gently and walking lead to the door. "Your funny... but I assure you, I'm more then Capable of handling myself thank you" She said not a clue in her mind what she'd be walking into. "I hope so... Because I won't be able to save you if you can't" I warned her trying hard to be poker faced about it... I didn't like her... I've never liked her... why? because she's a bratty overly self confined girl who gets everything she wants and how she wants it in school and home... Daddy has no clue how to tell the girl no! She closed her door and followed after me as my phone Vibrated telling it was 12... As My first step into the Building sat in the Sign and lights snapped off...

Instantly I looked to the Stage... a first... all three stood on the stage... Which was... oddly worry some in a way... even if I knew one on that stage... would swing hands for my safety... But... Tonight was just... not another night... I continued hesitation missing in my act as I continued into the dark building... Shelby stopping in the doorway and not budging forward more... I stopped seeing her Shadow cast on the ground not following past there... Turning halfway back to her... and turning my head the rest the way toward her I stood giving this Unamused poker face look. "No one will judge you if you turned back and went home..." I told her showing off a voice of no emotion... that I'd managed to perfect from copying Bonnie and Freya's... While I gave her perfect eye contact... She hesitated... seconds passed before she even spoke in response to it.

 "I-I'm not scared of this place! It's just a place full of stupid Curvy Robots and over priced Pizza!" Shelby shouted at me sounding defensive but yet embarrassed at the same time... her expression showing Anger, but her eyes telling of utter fear... I closed my eyes calmly and sighed... "You won't last long if you say things like that..." I told her... expressing slight disappointment in my tone. "Like I'm scared of you!" She yelled no clue of the true danger in this place... that she was so oblivious to... Slowly reopening my eyes I stared her way with my poker face still in action. "In here... I wouldn't be scared of me either..." I said, giving purposely a lot of Mystery to her as to what exactly was in here... but wording it in a way to let her know... that what ever it was should be feared and took very delicately... Turning ahead again I returned to walking deeper into the room. "You should get to the office... I doubt you're first impression is to good with how you've already insulted them... and there home..." I told her casual in tone as I raised a hand gesturing it forward to get ahead to it...

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