1 - Hello Old Friend

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A man sat in a chair, facing away from you.

"So, you might be wondering what happened? Chapter 47 left off on such a sad note, and yet when we get to Chapter 48 it's all fun and happy. Everything is okay."

"And Gray is somehow back. You probably want to know why, right?

The man turned towards you, revealing that it was in fact Zelretch.

"Then you should buckle up. It gets a little strange. Well, not like it was ever normal." Zelretch smiled.

Fate/Dark Truths: Hero

Gray snapped his eyes open.


Why was he still alive?

He should be dead. His final wish was to revert everything to normal. To finish everything. Everything that he started.

And yet, here he was.

"I wish to make a deal." A voice spoke from behind him.

Gray turned around, looking at the voice.

"Why would I ever make a deal with you? We both know what will happen." Gray smiled wryly.

"Because your contract won't be the same." The voice stated. "Besides, a friend of mine owes you a favor for saving her. Twice."

"I see." Gray smiled. "Then let's talk."

Gray looked around. He was floating in some sort of void. He wasn't exactly sure where this was. Space?

He followed the voice, as it took him somewhere in the vast void of nothingness. He floated after her, confused as to where they were going.

And then a bright light blinded his eyes.

Opening them back up, he was standing in a living room. Actually, it was a very familiar living room. It was his own. Except, two unfamiliar women sat on the couch.

"Who are you?" Gray questioned.

"You don't know me?" Asked the woman on the left.

"Alaya?!" Gasped Gray. "Since when could you turn into a woman?!"

"Always have been." Smiled Alaya. "Oh, I used to love teasing EMIYA with it."

"What...happened?" Gray asked.

"He became all serious and ended up no longer caring." Alaya sighed.

'Because you made him kill for eternity...' Gray sweatdropped.

"Anyways, we wish to make a deal with you." Alaya said, bringing the conversation back on topic.

"We both know what it means to be a Counter Guardian, so that's a no." Gray replied.

"You would rather fade to nonexistence?" Alaya asked.

"I saved my family. That's what was important." Gray responded.

"Well, that's not the deal we want to make. We don't want to make you a Counter Guardian." Alaya sighed. "At least, Gaia doesn't. I think you'd make a great one."

"It's nice to meet you." The other woman bowed.

'Gaia can turn into a woman?' Gray wondered.

"Uh...nice to meet you too..." Gray greeted. "I don't remember ever hearing you make a deal..."

"That's because I never have. But I believe you would be perfect." Gaia stated.

Fate/Dark Truths: Hero (Fate Harem)Where stories live. Discover now