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no specific POV:

the bench trio were really freaking out. this time they would be performing their song live and it was the first time they did an original song. AND IT WAS GOING TO BE INFRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. except for the 40 groups who were still in the competition.

the performance would be in the auditorium which would and probably could fit at least 10,000 students.

this time they came dressed to impress. well sort of... not really. they kind of just put on whatever but had it match their personality. tommy wore his famous red and white shirt but it was hoodie version which was accompanied with grey sweatpants. tubbo wore a green argyle sweater over a collared shirt and some normal pants. ranboo wore a Hawaiian shirt over a white tank top and sweats. ranboo also had glasses and a black and white face mask covering his face.

they were proud of themselves for finally dressing up. that was until they saw the rest of the competitions costumes. ONE GROUP AND TIKI TORCHES ATTACHED TO THEIR BACKS WITH SHIRTLESS MEN IN THE BACK THROWING FIRE WANDS UP IN THE AIR. WHAT EVEN IS THIS KIND OF DEDICATION.

it seemed that the group was always bested when it came to the outfit department but they didnt care. they were clearly doing something right however they all knew they needed a show stopping performance for stage five and the school would be deciding the winner of that round.

each group went up and each group nailed their performance. at this point they were dreading being last as the crowd was clearly bored of watching 40 performances and really only wanted to go home. they had to keep reminding themselves that it wasnt about the crowd, it was about the judges.

it was clear all three of the boys were dreading doing their song. it was a very personal and emotional song, they werent used to being so out-there. but they had to win, they did not come this far just to loose. and fucking tommy's future was at stake.

they had two students host the show, they would occasionally talk about each performance and would announce each group before they enter the stage. the two students happened to be Karl and Big Q so the crowd was constantly in a fit of laughter in between each song. they really did help ease the groups nerves but i mean, theres only so much you can do.


"So quackity i heard they are one of the groups to watch this competition"

"damn right karl, apparently theyve continued to stun the judges and the 40 students who helped judge in that one round. honestly who gives a shit about the past because right now they are going to be showing us the song they wrote!!! you excited?"

"heck yeah! i kill for indie/alt music, this whole stage has been banger after banger!"

"well i guess you better SHUT THE FUCK UP because they are about to start performing"

the boys walked onto the stage nervous as fuck. ranboo gripped his guitar and tommy shook his head as though he were shaking the nerves of his body.

"1, 2, 3" - tommy

"I'm always so lonely

Frustrated and angryAnd I never know if it's my faultOr if its just my brain working fucking wrong"

thank god tubbo didnt crack under the pressure, that wouldve really fucked shit up. tommy was nailing the drums and ranboo didnt miss a single beat.

"'Cause I have got problem that I can not withhold

'Cause I have got diseases that I can not control"

usually there would be people in the crowd talking amongst themselves but the crowd went silent. not a single person dared even blink, as if breathing would cause the music to stop.

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