Bar Fights and Hangovers

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((Hello again everyone! I'm back with more poorly written fanfiction! I really like this one and I hope you guys do too! This one is: "I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me until I woke up"))

Tom sighed as he finished off his..seventh? Yeah, just about at least, seventh beer. He'd recently broken up with his girlfriend of two months. And it was going great, until Tom refused to buy her some expensive piece of jewelry and she broke up with him damn near instantly. "She's jus' a bitch!" He slurred. "She wasn't tha' great anyways.." He waved the bartender over and called for another beer. The bartender, an old friend of Tom's named Tucker looked over him concernedly. "Dude, maybe you should call it quits. You're pretty drunk and you should probably go home or something." Tom glared drunkenly. "Listen..! I know when to quit drinkin'! I'll stop when I'm damn ready to stop! Jus' get me another beer.." Tucker sighed and pulled out another glass bottle, popping the cap off and sliding it over to Tom, who grabbed it eagerly. "Don't blame me when you pass out and wake up with a hangover." Tucker said as he walked down the counter to tend to another customer. Tom just huffed and took another swig from his bottle. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone sit next to him. It was another man and damn he looked really fucking good. He wore a plain black jacket and pants, with a white shirt underneath. He had on a pair of ruby red sunglasses that sat on top of his head at the moment, showing off his warm brown eyes. He gazed at the guy out of the corner of his eye as he called Tucker back over. "Hey Tucker! How've you been?" Tucker looked over and grinned at him, walking over and leaning onto the counter. "Hey Jordan. I've been good, how're you?" Jordan, as he was apparently called, shrugged. "Alright I guess. Martha came over earlier today saying that she broke up with her two month boyfriend for some reason." 'Martha?' Tom thought to himself as he took another sip of his beer. 'That' ex girlfriend's name!' He looked over and glared slightly at Jordan. So, Martha broke up with him and got with this guy? He'd be lying if he said he couldn't see why, Jordan was pretty good looking and his voice was fucking amazing; to Tom anyways. Tucker looked over to him for a second confused as he got up out of his chair and walked over to Jordan. "Tom? What're you-" He ignored him opting to roughly pulling Jordan out of his chair and holding him by his collar and glaring. "So," he growled, "/you're/ tha' guy Martha got with after she broke up with *hic* me huh?" Jordan blinked before attempting to pry his hands off. "Wh-what? Wait, you think that I'm Martha's-" "Boyfriend! Yeah, I fucking knew it." He shoved him away, causing Jordan to stumble slightly. Tucker began to come out from behind the counter. "Look, Tom just calm the hell down ok? Jordan is Martha's-" "Shut up!" He yelled as he swung a punch at Jordan. He dodged and Tom fell over, flopping onto the ground and passing out. The last words he heard before he went completely unconscious were: "I told him he had to much to fucking drink." Hours later, Tom moaned quietly and held his head in his hands. 'God damnit.. I have the worst fuckin' hangover.' He looked around seeing that he was in the back room of the bar where Tucker worked, the employee's room laying down on the couch. The room was mercifully dark and he saw a figure resting on one of the plush chairs. Their face was illuminated by the glow of their phone. It was..Jordan? He thinks that's what the dudes name was anyways. Jordan looked up and saw that Tom was awake. "Oh hey, you're up." He said quietly, not wanting to make Tom's headache worse. He got up and walked over to the small coffee table in front of him, grabbing two things off of it. "Here, you're gonna need these." It was a bottle of Advil and some water. "Holy fuckin' shit thank you." Tom grabbed the bottle of pills and fished one out, then taking he water bottle and swallowing the pill down. "Thanks...Jordan, right?" He nodded. "Yep. And from what I've gathered you're Tom, yeah?" Tom nodded as Jordan sat down next to him on the couch. "Hey, just to clear things up.. I'm not dating Martha. She's my cousin." He chuckled a bit at the end as Tom flushed with embarrassment. 'Fuuuuck..' "Shit, I'm really sorry man. I turn into a dick when I get drunk." Jordan just smiled and waved him off. "It's cool man. I understand." He glanced at his phone and his eyes widened a bit. "Oh damn. I really gotta get home." He looked around and pulled a small piece of paper and a pen from off the table and quickly scribbled something down. He shoved it into Tom's hand and grinned. "My number. You seem pretty cool and I wouldn't mind hanging out sometime. Hope to hear from you soon." And he winked, making Tom blush hard, and walked out of the room. Tom looked down at the paper in his hands and smiled. He'd defiantly be giving Jordan a call. He groaned and held his head soon after. 'After I sleep off this fucking headache..' He laid back down and drifted off to sleep, gripping Jordan's number in his hand tightly.

((And I'm done! So, what'd you think? I hope you enjoyed it! I'm gonna try and start uploading these things a bit earlier than I am now so, keep an eye out for more chapters! Well, I think that's about it from me! Again, hope you enjoyed and I will see all you people in the next chapter! Later!))

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