"The storm. She shows no mercy."

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"I am not going outside! It's way too cold." Lovino scowled and crossed his arms. "Besides, i have too much work to do, so i can't go anywhere." He carelessly dropped his coat on the ground before resuming his occupation on the couch.

"Oh, come on Lovi. It will be soooo much fun!" Antonio, bundled up in layers of clothing, waddled over to the other and grabbed his arm. He managed to somehow drag Lovino of the couch, to the door, and put a jacket back on him. Lovino still laid lifelessly on the floor, groaning. "We don't want to be late."

Lovino rolled over onto his back so he could face the Spaniard. "We're already thirty minutes late you idiot!" He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Fine. But I'm not staying for the stupid Santa thing." Lovino begrudgingly got up and grabbed his wallet before finally leaving the house. Antonio's face lit up as he followed him out the door.

"Gracias! Gracias! Gracias, Lovi! I promise, you will not regret this. I saw the lights last year and they were muy bonita. They had even built a life-size gingerbread house!" Antonio went on and on about the Christmas light show. They walked down the street for a few minutes before stopping at a small gas station. Lovino opened the door and let out a sigh of relief as the warm air greeted him. "Good day, sir. " An old man behind the counter said.

The little store smelled oddly of lemongrass. Lovino sat down in a chair near the exit and leaned his head up against the wall. He watched Antonio pace around the isles, touching every single thing that caught his eye. This brought a small smile to Lovino's face. As Antonio got closer, he heard the Spaniard humming a familiar tune. All of these different senses flooded his head, sending a calmness over him. Lovino felt his eyes grow heavy and his breathing slowed. Before he knew it, everything faded before him and he was taken by a deep sleep.


A strange sense of calmness washed over Lovino as he opened his eyes. His vision cleared enough so he could see a maze of leaves high above him. The sunlight shone through them, caressing his face. He laid there on the ground just staring. He felt so warm. He could hear the life of the forest around him, though it was still rather quiet. The Italian took in a deep breath as a cool breeze brushed past him. He felt like he could lay here forever. That's when he heard a faint voice calling out to him "Lovi? Lovi, were going to be late! Wake up!"

The blue sky was suddenly blocked out by dark clouds and a roaring wind replaced the peaceful sounds of the forest. He shot up just in time to see trees falling all around him before everything turned white.

Lovino gasped and jumped out of his chair, almost falling. "Easy, there, hermano." Antonio grabbed the man by his shoulders and steadied him. "It was just a bad dream. You're safe with Boss now." Antonio smiled and patted Lovino on the head.

Lovino mumbled something and moved away from Antonio's touch. "Leave me alone. I can take care of myself. And stop calling yourself that, you're not my boss!" The Italian walked out of the door and sat down at a bench outside.

"Lo siento, señor. My friend gets grumpy when his siesta is interrupted." Antonio said to the employee. He placed his items on the counter and pulled out a wallet with the Spanish flag plastered on it.

"Are you two going to see the lights?" The man asked as he scanned the items.

"Sí! I'm very excited. Lovi has never seen them before." Antonio replied.

The employee took Antonio's money and gave him his bagged items in return. "Just be careful. You don't want to be out for too long."

Antonio gave the man a confused look. "Why not?"

"The storm. She shows no mercy." The man sat down in an old chair and pulled out a knife. "You don't want to be out when she comes to takes her victims." He pulled out another object and ran it across the blade, sharpening it.

A shiver ran down Antonio's spine. "Gracias, señor. We will stay safe. Have a wonderful day!" Antonio exited the shop and walked over to where Lovino was waiting. His eyes were drooping as if he were about to fall asleep again. "Lovi! Time to go." He called out.

Lovino grumbled and got up from his seat. He shoved his hands in his pockets and followed the Spaniard down the street. "Let's just get this over with so I can go home." A strong wind sent him stumbling to the side, but he regained his balance. Antonio was still ahead of him humming the same familiar tune. Lovino looked up to see a dark cloud trailing far behind them.

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